I'm Sorry. - Chapter 3

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End of shift Tim's POV

I saw Lucy waiting at her side of my truck as she lifted her head up looking away from her phone she saw me. I smiled at her she then ran right over to me and jumping at me. I caught her and held her there and she tightly clung onto me like a Koala. "Luce everything ok? People are starting to stare." I whispered the last part her as I noticed two officers walk by and side eye us. I then heard small sniffles and noticed she was crying. "Baby, are you ok?" I asked, now very concerned. "Not really, I'll tell you at home." She said still clinging to me. "Ok well your going to have to hop down if you want to go home hon." I said she quickly wiped her tears on my shirt and jumped out of my arms and walked quickly to the truck. 'Weird' I thought to myself as I looked down at my shirt that was now stained with mascara and tears, I frowned not because I was mad about the shirt but because I'm really worried about her, hopefully she tells me when we get home.

It was a very silent ride back home it wasn't an awkward silent but a sad silent. We got inside the house to Kojo's wagging tail. Lucy melted onto the ground to pet Kojo, I closed the door with my foot as I watched her give Kojo a bunch of kisses. Rude why doesn't she do that for me?  I giggle at my joke and go over to our room and dump my bag on our bed. Right behind me is a mopey Lucy she throws her bag down, grabs my arm and drags me to our couch. We sit down and Kojo comes and jumps into Lucy's lap. "So what's up Luce?" I asked concerned. "I have something to tell you, and I get if you don't like me anymore just tell me the word and I will leave." She says panicking. I look at her and see her eyes starting to well. "It's ok babe, I will always love you." I say trying to reassure her. 


"We will see, so I.. uhm.. I do something." Is all she gets out before her tears fall. She starts sobbing. "I-I.. will just show you."  She chokes out. She jumps off the couch and walks into our room and comes out with the little box that is always on her nightstand. I never opened it I just figured it was empty. She hands it to me as she sits as far away from me as she can. I open it to reveal what seems to be 5 blades. I pull one out, it has blood on it. My brain is trying to figure out what she means.. it snaps. I turn to her face that has so many tears she probably can't see I take a second to breathe. "Where Luce?" I ask trying to hold in tears. She rolls up her sleeve of her right arm to reveal some fresh cuts, some healing cuts and lots of scars. She rolls up her other sleeve to show even more cuts, I put the blade in my hand into the box and put it on the table. She sobs. "I'm Sorry." She says quickly. I start to let my tears out and pull her closer to me and hug her. "I'm so sorry Luce, I missed this I'm so sorry baby." After a while we have calmed down. "Luce, for how long." I ask while still hugging her. "Since High school." she says plainly. Fuck


After a little longer she starts to speak. "Angela knows. She saw them today she told me to tell you." She says while looking up to my face to see my reaction. "Well Angela gave you good advice." I say with a small smile. "Tim." I hear hear again. "I want to get better I promise. It's just a habit." She somehow let's more tears out. "Ok, well how about I book you into therapy? I can go with you or you can go alone." I suggested. "I'd like that. Tim, can get rid of them?" She said pointing to the box of nightmares. "Yes, gorgeous. I will right now ok. Want to come with me?" I asked. "Sure I guess." She says getting up. We go out to a bin and throw the box out. Then we went to the store and got some ice-cream so we can wrap up in blankets and sit on the couch for the rest of the night.

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