A Big Surprise! - Chapter 11

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Lucy's POV (sorrrrryyyy so for so much of Lucy's POV lol)
It's been 2 months since Tim proposed to me, we get married next month and I've been doing lot's of wedding planning so I'm very tired which is good because I'll be able to sleep well tonight since we need to be up earlier then usual tomorrow for work. After a few minutes of thinking to myself I finally drift off to sleep.

Tw vomiting

 In the morning I awake to a sore stomach, I feel the puke coming up. I quickly jump out of bed and sprint to the bathroom and start vomiting up my guts. I feel so sick, why? I hear Tim come running into the bathroom.
"Babe? Are you ok?" He asked worried.
"What do you think genius?" I snap at him before Vomiting more into the toilet. He walks over to me and holds back my hair while softly rubbing circles onto my back, it's quite soothing. 
"I'm sorry for snapping at you babe." I say, I feel horrible was just trying to make sure I was ok.
"It's ok don't worry it was a dumb question." He says I was about to say something but them I started to vomit more. 
"You must have ate something wicked." He states as her wipes my face with a cloth to get off all the filth.


After a while, Tim had finally cleared out of the bathroom so I could shower. I get in the shower to fully get clean. I started to think to myself. 'Wait a damn minute.. its the 24th right? My periods a week late. SHIT.'  I get snapped out of my thoughts by Tim knocking on the door to the bathroom. 
"Luce are you ok? You been in the shower for like 40 minutes. We need to go to work." Tim asked through the door. 
"I'm fine but I'm going to stay home today I feel sick again!" I yell at him hoping he doesn't suspect anything, I start washing my hair because I've just been standing here lost in my thoughts.
"Alright then I'm going to go I love you." He yelled through the door again.
"Bye Tim, be safe, I love you!" I yell out again. I hear the front door close just after I turn off the shower. I get dressed and go get my phone from my bedside table. I open up the group chat with Angela and Harper.

The best detectives in LA
Nyla, Angela, Lucy.

Lucy- Mine ASAP. We have a problem
Angela- Huh. What's happening?
Nyla- Are you ok?
Lucy- Guys stop asking questions, I'll tell you when your here so just get here.
Angela- We'll be there in 5.

5 minutes on the dot later the two other detectives were  standing at my door.
"Hey what's up?" Angela asked worried.
"I think I'm pregnant." I blurt out.
"Oh shit I know why you were in a panic now." Nyla says as we walk to the kitchen
"Ok so why do you think that?" Angela asks.
"Ok well hmm I don't know maybe my period is just having A WEEK long vacation at mars. Also I woke up and puked up every particle in my body." I say freaking out.
"Ok yea we are going to get you a test.." Angela and Harper say at the same time.

20 Minutes later I had taken the tests and we were waiting for the final minute until the results will be in. The timer goes off it startles me back from my over thinking.
"Lucy, just know if it's positive or negative us and Tim will see you the same and even if Tim doesn't help you with the kid we will." Angela tells me. I flip over the test and immediately start to cry. Positive.
"It's ok Lucy this isn't necessarily a bad thing." Nyla says trying to comfort me.
"Tim's going to leave me." I cry.
"He isn't he's always wanted kids you know?" Angela tells me.
"Really?" I ask hopeful.
"Yes you dumbass plus your the love of his life, so how are you going to tell him?" Angela answers with a smile.

After shift Tim's POV

I noticed Angela and Nyla weren't at the station today at all, that's a bit weird is all I thought about on my way home. I pulled into the drive way and heard Kojo's funny bark, I open the door and give him some head scratches. I walk into the kitchen to see Lucy on the sofa watching 'The Bachelor' I don't understand how someone can find enjoyment in this garbage but I watch it for Lucy.
"Hey princess, why are you watching without me?" I ask confused because she usually refuses to watch alone. I clearly startled her because her head shot around.
"Oh I'm sorry I thought you wouldn't mind." She says and then gets a up and gives me a kiss, I return the kiss. She takes my bag out of my hang and drops it down to the ground. 
"I have a big surprise for you!" She happily says while grinning.
"What is it?" I ask confused.
"Stay right here!" She says and cutely skips to our room with two boxes. She hands me one.
"Here! Open, you get this one after!" She says, hands me the box and steps back a bit. I pull of the lid of the small blue box. *Bang* This woman..
"Again?! Come one can't you give me something without exploding baby powder on my face?!" I say while smiling, I can't believe she keeps getting me. She's laughing so much, once she calms down she hands me the other one. 
"If this is another baby powder bomb I'm filing for divorce." I joke.
"It's not I swear." She notifies me. I open the box cautiously, it doesn't explode so that's a good sign. I look into the box to see a stick. A pregnancy test? I flip it over and it's positive it takes a second to register in my brain. 
"Am I going to be a dad?!" I double check. She simply nods and kisses me, I repay her with some more kisses. After a while we are sitting down talking about our yet to be born kid while petting Kojo.

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