I'm Doing Pretty Well! - Chapter 6

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Lucy's POV.
It's a regular Saturday about a month since my first Therapy session, I also got promoted to detective two weeks ago, so now I work with Lopez and Harper, we have all got more close and we are all now really good friends. 
"So do you want me to come to therapy with you today?"  Asked Tim as I cuddled him.
"No I'll be ok, I need to be able to go by myself, because otherwise I'll become dependent on you and you will forever have to walk around behind me without me breaking down, we don't want that now do we?." I partially joke.
"I mean I don't mind but I think if I ride with you and Harper one more time she's going to combust." He jokes back to me, I let out a small laugh. I get up and start to get ready to leave the house, Once I leave I notice there Is a car following me, I don't think much of it and just continue on my way to my destination. 

I arrive at the office and go inside. I hear a car pull into the parking lot but just ignore it, I guess there's someone else getting their shit together. I enter my therapist's office as I'm right on time. I sit down and get myself situated.
"So how are you doing?" Asked the therapist.
"I'm doing pretty well actually!" I say cheerfully. "At first it was hard to stop the habit but now instead I go to Tim and he helps me. We talk about it and he helps me relax with some Ice-Cream." I finish with a smile.
"That's good Lucy, I noticed that Tim's not here today, any reason?" Asked the therapist confused as it's the first time Tim had not even been outside. 
"He's been riding with me at work and following me around like I'm a puppy ever since I told him, so I figured I should come alone so I won't break down if he leaves." I say back to her. I watch as she scribbles down something and looks back to me.
"Do you like when he follows you around?" She asks me confused. I take a second to think.
"I mean a bit, but everyone stares at me it's weird." I say now realising I don't really like Tim following me.
"Ok well maybe you should talk to him about it." My therapist suggests. 

After a little longer the session comes to a wrap. I wonder out of her office and start heading to my car, all of a sudden a mesh bag flies over my head, I start kicking and trying to scream but I feel a hand cup onto my mouth. I feel someone drag me over and what feels like, throws me into a car. "OW." I scream. Not again.
I hear the car turn on, I keep screaming, I'm terrified. All of a sudden the car stops. I hear a door Open, A door close, A door open then I feel a sharp pain in my neck. I think I've been drugged. The world fades.

A/N sorry for short chapters, there is about to be a long one!

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