Part - 37 The result

Start from the beginning

Even their bunks were EXACTLY the way they left them.

"I don't like this at all..." the first sailor remarked

"Will you shut it! Whatever thing they tried to do certainly failed!" The second sailor said.


Inside of the control room

The technicians and scientists were still held at gunpoint by the Kriegsmarine sailors, which hadn't let them move for a solid fifteen minutes as their crew searched the ship.

"????" Regains consciousness, slowly

???? "....What happened??"

"WAKE UP SCUM!" A sailor in a blue uniform shouted.

"????" Immediately opens his bloodshot eyes,

"On your knees! Hands where I can see them!" The sailor shouted, pointing the barrel of an old Mauser bolt-action rifle at his forehead

"????" Begrudgingly placed his hands on either side of his head, feeling a bump where he was hit on the head from last time.

"What do you barbarians want from me." "????" Spat.


He was then hit straight across the face,

"Shut your trap hole and face the floor!" The sailor barked.

"Actually, he might be useful." Another person said, he was much higher ranking then all of the armed Matrosen around him.

He crouched down next to "????"

"Name." The Kreigsmarine ranking officer said

"Why should I tell-" ???? Attempted to fire back

Immediately, he stopped talking,

The cold feeling of a gun barrel was on the roof of his mouth.

"I only want your name, and rank. Best do it now." The Kriegsmarine officer said

"Ugh...... Doktor Wherner Freud," ???? Said,


"Nothing in the bunkrooms, Herr Käpitan!" a sailor reported

"Nothing is in the turrets either."

"Check the bridge, and officer's quarters. That would likely be where they are." Captain Lindemann responded

"Sir!" Another sailor shouted.

"What is it?" The captain responded

"The side door to the bridge area is open! Someone could've gone in there!"


Control room

"Okay mister Freud,

Mind telling me what your purpose was here?" The ranking officer said

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