"Kurama? Can you help me again?" She asked, turning to face away from him, her hair already pulled out of the way.

He turned to see her holding the separate ends of that wrap, as well as the bluish-purple skin. A snarl sounded in his mind, and he flinched, then stifled a chuckle. Yoko apparently agreed with his thoughts on that mark. Guilt creeped in like a poison-tipped claw, and he sighed as he approached her. He took the ends of the wrap, and tied them into place with deft hands, his fingertips just brushing the bare skin at it's edges as he placed a soft, deliberate kiss on that bruise. He allowed his lips to linger there, pressed so lightly against the worst of the bruise. He felt a twinge of pain on the back of his own neck thanks to their bond, but she didn't flinch.

"I am sorry, Yumiko..." He said again, his breath tickling the hairs of the back of her neck, before turning and walking for the passage. "Join us when you are done." He managed to say in parting, trying desperately to control the whirl of emotions running through him at the sight of her. The jewel at his wrist burned as though set aflame again, the reds and golds of the gemstone only slowing as her voice tickled his ears; the words so soft he hardly caught them.

"It's okay..." She half-whispered, forgiving him in voice, though she had already done so in mind well before. Her hand drifted to the spot he kissed. She had no doubt her own jewel would be burning at her throat, and her fingers lingered on that spot for only a moment as a fragile smile played on her lips.

That kiss had been... different, than his usual ministrations, but she would ponder its meaning later. She took as deep breath as she could, then threw on the rest of her attire, and turned to follow him up the stairs.


The others had waited for the foxes at the top of the stairs. The passage had opened onto a massive platform, the tower standing alone in the distance.

"Hurry it up!" Yusuke shouted as they ran,

"Shut up!" Kuwabara snapped back, running as fast as he could.

Yumiko kept pace with Kurama and Hiei, her ears on a swivel as she listened for danger, and tail streaming behind her. Thunder cracked overheard, illuminating the massive structure before them, and Yusuke pulled up short.

"What the hell is that thing?" He asked.

"It's the watch tower. I'm sure that's where he's hiding." Hiei answered, craning his neck to look at the tower.

Yusuke threw a fist into the air, pumping himself up as he said, "FINE! Then let's drag him out!" and they all took off again. They had only made it a few more steps however, when the communicator went off again.

Yusuke answered without stopping, "What now?"

"Small problem..."

"GYAH, KEIKO???" Yusuke's eyes went wide as the girl's face came into view next to Botan, and the group slowed to a stop again.

Yumiko listened intently as Botan explained just exactly what that whistle tune had meant, and how the infected had all started targeting the young girl now. She had already started nibbling at her lip from the conversation, especially when Yusuke repeated the word 'kill', but she tasted blood as Botan said there was more.

"There was an attack on Yumiko's apartment. It seems the Yumekui clan finally made their move. Maru made it in time to save the others, but he had to kill one of the dog demons, and the second one got away..."

A Forest on Fire (KuramaxOc)Where stories live. Discover now