Chapter 1

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The practice room was bathed in warm golden sunlight streaming in through the tall arched windows. Mirrors covered the walls reflecting my graceful movements of  as I gracefully swayed and twirled to the rhythm of the music filling the room.

My body seemed to effortlessly glide through the air each delicate step executed with precision and elegance. I wore baggy sweats and shirt for ease and comfort. My feet encased in sneakers as I watched myself in the mirror in front of me, watching every move and noting any mistakes.

The music echoes in the room as my one of my favorite songs comes on and I hype myself before starting the choreography. As "District 9" radiates through the speaker, I position myself in front of the camera. I was recording for 2 reasons: for improvement and audition. I'm going to send it to JYPE next month when auditions were going to start. I express myself through the movements communicating every emotion through my  dance.

My body moved like ripples in water, my fingertips grazing the air as I effortlessly defied gravity. The whole room seemed to become an extension of myself, the space between each movement filled with an ethereal energy that captivated anyone fortunate enough to witness the artistry.

As the music reaches the end, I give it my all. All the limits and expectations, I present it through precision and movements. I had wanted this very badly. The empty room I had rented for 30 mins from a school friend just so I could record myself for the audition.

With a final elegant landing I gradually slowed my movements, my body gently coming to rest. In the silence that followed I stood there my chest rising and falling with every breath. The room was filled with a reverent hush as if everyone present understood they had witnessed something truly remarkable.

Opening my eyes my gaze met my own reflection in the mirror. A soft smile played upon my lips a mixture of satisfaction and determination. The dance was over for now but the fire within me burned brighter than ever.

As I finish packing everything, my phone chimes, indicating that I had recieved a text message. Reaching for my phone, I see that it's my dad wanting to know when I will be home from med school. Rolling my eyes, I sigh and text back that I will be home by 8. I take a look around the room again and a blissful moment lingers before exiting. I just had to survive a few more months till I recieve an acceptance from JYPE. Or I should say IF I recieve it.

As I exit the building, I get a text from my best friend, Luna asking me if I had submitted my audition yet. I couldn't help but smile. At least I have one person in my life who believes in me. I text her back, letting her know I will facetime her later tonight.


But as soon as I get inside my house, I'm greeted with a slap to the face. Holding my face in shock, I turn to look at the culprit. It's my step-mother, Patricia. "You're a disgrace."

"What the hell?" I asked, glaring at her.

"Does your father know?" Patricia asked.

I blink at her in confusion. What is she up to this time? "What?"

"My son saw you flirting with a man."

"Okay. And?" I question. And I just know she's going to make this into a huge deal.

"Don't you have any shame?"

"Yeah, right," I scoff. "And what is it exactly he told you?"

"That you were flirting with a guy in class." Patricia replied.

"These days ASKING for help in class is considered flirting?" Now my dad and step-brother have also stepped out of their rooms. As I glance at them, I smirk at Patricia before saying, "Maybe next time ask your precious son what he does in class when he's not there half of the time?"

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