"Fine," he said. "I'll take you to Liyue. And as soon as I finish my work in the Chasm, we'll be going to Sumeru. I'm determined something is going on over there from as much as I've heard from you."

"Thank you, traveller."

You and the traveller started heading back to the Kamisato estate. Upon reaching there, you informed the siblings and Thoma about your sudden plan of going to liyue. You were thankful that the traveller very cleverly covered up everything about Scaramouche.

You spent the night preparing for your trip. In the early morning, you bid goodbye to Ayaka and Ayato and Thoma. You were worried a little about whether Scaramouche would send for you via his letter while you were away on this trip to track him down. Did he even want you to track him down? Honestly, after your interaction with the traveller, Scaramouche sounded dangerous. But you couldn't stop yourself from meeting him as fast as you could. He had changed so much. And he was the only one from your past still around.

You boarded the Alcor with the traveller. And after a few days, you were at liyue harbour.

"Here we are, y/n," the traveller said, "I'll be heading directly to the chasm. Will you be alright at the lodge by your own?"

"I will, thank you traveller."

And with that you bid farewell to the traveller and Paimon and proceeded towards the mountain side. You had a long way to go. In such short notice, you couldn't find any lodgings in liyue harbour. The only place that you found vacant was Wangshu Inn.

It took you hours to reach Wangshu Inn. You came across some monsters as well. Nothing dangerous, just regular slimes and hilichurls. Finally when you crashed at your room, you immediately drifted into sleep.

It was late in the night when you woke up. Having not eaten anything for a long time, you decided to go down to the kitchen and order some food. But when you reached there, the place was empty. Well, that was to be expected since it was the middle of the night. But you were quite hungry after travelling for so long so you decided to whip yourself a meal of almond tofu.

You quietly prepared the meal and decided to enjoy it in the upstairs balcony. But you were surprised to see someone else already there.

He had dark green hair and wore a white and violet outfit. He turned when he heard you step into the balcony.

"Is that for me?" he asked, pointing at the plate of almond tofu in your hand. "Usually the chef just leaves it out here. Didn't expect him to send someone with it tonight."

"Oh," you gasped, "Um, no. Actually I made this for myself but we can share if you're hungry."

"Me? An adeptus sharing food with a human?"

He was an adeptus???

"My sincere apologies. I didn't know," you bowed down quickly, "I'm not from liyue. I'm travelling from Inazuma. Here, you can have this. I'll make something else for me downstairs. "

"Relax. I was merely pondering the thought," he said as he came upto you and took a spoonful from your plate. "You may share."

"I'm sorry, again."

"No need. I'm known as Adeptus Xiao. Who might you be, traveller from inazuma?"

"I'm y/n."

"That is a beautiful name."

The rest of the meal was silent as Xiao focused more on the almond tofu. But he made sure you ate as well.

After you both had completed your meal, Xiao said good night to you.

"Okay then," he said, "You be careful around here. Since you have been kind enough to share your cooking with me, call me anytime you need assistance. Just call out my name, I'll be there."

"I'll be very thankful for that, Adeptus Xiao."

Xiao suddenly came extremely close to your face and it took you by surprise. He held your face with his left hand. You could feel your blood rush to the area where he was touching your face. He then rubbed your cheek with his other hand.

"You had honey on your face," he declared, still staying unknowingly too close to your face. "And just Xiao is fine, y/n."

You nodded nervously, turning red.

"I'll take my leave then," Xiao said and vanished in wisps of black mist.

You stood there in the moonlight for quite some time, clutching your fast beating heart. Once you had calmed down (which took quite a while), you retired to your room once again.

[A/n: a little bit of xiao x reader that no one asked for hehe UwU but don't worry this story is still very much scaramouche x reader xD]

(Picture courtesy: genshin impact)

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