Chapter Eleven - The sound of a drum

Start from the beginning

"Feeling better now?"

"Yeah but I'll a little hungry"
Tanjiro took out a onagari that Lady Tamayo had made us before we left.

"Here eat this"

"Thank you, aren't you two going to eat?"

"Oh that was the last on"

"Don't worry it ok Zenitsu"
Zenitsu then broke it in half.

"Here maybe you two could share it"

"Oh I'm good Tanjiro you eat up ok"

"But M/n"

"No you eat up"
They ate as we walked.

"I can see where you're coming from being scared of demons but you shouldn't stress you sparrow out"

"Huh how did you know that?"

"He talked about how you never want to do you job, and you're always hitting on girls, and you snore really loudly. Yup that covers it"


"Wait! he said all that? You can understand bird language?"


"We both can right M/n?"


"No way! you're lying to me!"
Then we heard our crows.

"Start running! Start running! Run, Tanjiro! Run, M/n! Run, Zenitsu! Both of you must head to your next destination!"
Then Zenitsu started freaking out about our crows talking.

"There's no time for that we have to go!"
I started to run to the next location making Tanjiro and Zenitsu have to catch up. We walked through some woods looking for the place.

"Hey guys maybe I should hang back, even if I tagged along I won't be any help"
We finally walked up to a house in the middle of the woods.

"The scent is different"

"You can smell something?"

"Yeah but there's something else"

"I don't know about a smell but can you hear that?"
I looked around then spotted two kids near the trees, I walked over to them.

"Hey are you two ok?"
They're scared I can see it clearly, I need to calm them down.

"Would you like to see something cool"
I held out Zenitsu's sparrow and let him hop around my hand. They seemed to ease up but were still scared. Tanjiro came over to help me with the kids.

"Can you tell us what happened?"

"Please we're here to help, is this your home?"

"No it belongs to a monster The monster he took our brother"
I looked at the house as Tanjiro questioned the kids, looking at Zenitsu he seemed to be hearing something.

"Zenitsu, is something wrong?"

"Do you hear it?"
I looked at the house, I can't hear something but I can sense the demons. Looking back at the kids I felt bad I know they're scared. I wished I could help them relax a little, looking at my hand I noticed a vine around it. Hm maybe I can do something to amaze them to distract them. Walking back over the girl's cries hurt my heart.

"Hey do you like flowers?"

I held out my hand and thought of a beautiful pink flower. It slowly grew from my hand and once done I gave it to her.

"Here you go a pretty flower for a pretty girl"

"T-thank you mister"
The girl seemed to calm down a little and Tanjiro informed me about their brother.

"Don't worry we'll save your brother"

"Really you will?!"


"Hey Tanjiro, M/n do you hear it? it's unnerving and sounds like a drum"
I was confused as I didn't hear anything but I can sense something. There's something coming but I can't tell what, but it's coming fast. The a body flung out I ran and caught the person and laid them on the ground. It was a boy he was badly wounded and bleeding heavily.

"I m-made it"

"Don't worry I got you"

"I'm g-going to die b-but I made it"
The boy passed in my arms, it was sad he escaped only to still die.

"Tanjiro""Hey kids, is that?"

"N-no that's not our brother, our brother has an orange haori"
So their brother is still in that house, I moved the boy as we will bury him when we finish the demon as there might be more bodies.

"Tanjiro I'm going in, watch the kids"

"M/n wait!"
I ran inside not listening to Tanjiro, I ran around looking for the demon or the kids' brother.

The sound of a drum echoed in the house then it changed. I was somewhere else, I continued to look around in hope of finding something. As I walked around lower level demons tried to attack me but I dealt with them. 




The house changed again and I ran into the wall from the quick change. I looked in each room trying to find the kids' brother. I hope Tanjiro, the kids,and Zenitsu are ok. This house is changing every time the drum is sound. I'm starting to hate this place.

I ran into a wall again.

I opened a door and something was thrown at me.

"Ow what the-"

"Don't come any closer!"
I saw a kid who seemed to have a drum, wait an orange haori.

"Excuse me would you happen to be the two kids outside big brother?"

"Are Teruko and Shoichi ok?!"

"Yes they're ok"

"P-please can you take me to them"

"Of course"
He went to walk over to me when the room turned and he accidentally hit the drum making me end up in another room. I looked around for the boy when I found Tanjiro and the girl.



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