Chapter 24: The Trials Begin

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Ella's POV

Emma's eyes widened in disbelief as she exclaimed, "Why are you doing this? When he isn't even aware of your presence!" Her voice carried the weight of her concern as she emphasized the last sentence.

A gentle smile crossed my lips as I tried to explain my perspective, "You all might think that I'm crazy in love, but I assure you, it's not about that. Yes, I do love him, but I'm not consumed by it. Last night, I followed him to the rooftop, and for the first time, I saw him crying. It wasn't just about a 'boy' shedding tears; it was about witnessing him broken because of 'love,' the very thing that should bring him happiness. As long as he is okay, I'm okay. I can love him from a distance, like a stranger. Besides, he rejected me initially. And let's not forget about the dark magic, feeding off his negative emotions."

Emma's voice softened with understanding as she probed further, "You confessed to him using social media, hiding behind a fake identity. Do you really expect him to love you back through that medium?"

I nodded, my eyes filled with determination, "He may not know how I look, but he knows that I'm a student from Royal High School. He knows that I loved him, that a girl named 'Lily' (alias Ella) exists. Just like how some people believe in falling in love as a matter of destiny, I want him to love me for who I am, for my character, not solely for my appearance."

Emma's curiosity grew as she questioned my intentions, "You're planning to do so much for him, even though I don't think he deserves it. When will you tell him that you're the 'Lily' he's been chatting with?"

A warm smile graced my face as I shared my perspective, "He is worth the wait, Emma. When the time is right and he wants to know, I'll tell him. If he doesn't wish to uncover my true identity, I'll remain 'Lily,' a friend he occasionally chats with on social media. I would rather be 'Lily,' a friend in his life, than be nothing at all. Now, when are you planning to confess to Ethan?"

Emma's eyes sparkled with a mix of anticipation and joy as she replied, "Soon. I've decided to confess to him before we embark on our journey to Red Cross Mountain. If fate decides that I don't make it back, I don't want to carry the regrets of unspoken love with me to the afterlife. Besides, I don't want to be single or live with unrequited love even in heaven." She chuckled, sharing her playful thoughts.

We laughed together, our worries momentarily set aside.

Emma refocused the conversation, her voice filled with concern, "Now, enough chit-chat. You need to rest and heal, Ella. Call me if you need anything. Don't stress yourself out. I want my hyperactive sister back, not a gloomy one."

I nodded gratefully, appreciating her care and concern.

Before she left the room, a thought crossed my mind, and I called out to her, "Emma!"

She turned back, her eyes curious.

I continued, my voice tinged with hope, "Do you know how Harry is doing?"

A small smile played on her lips as she shared the information, "Julia checked on you while you were sleeping. She knows that you took away a part of her brother's pain. Harry is staying in their family penthouse, near Mr. Miller's company. You can check on him later. But for now, sleep." She playfully sang the last word.

Returning her smile, I felt a sense of gratitude for the incredible people in my life. They had become my chosen family, and I considered myself incredibly lucky to have them by my side, supporting me every step of the way.


As I woke up from my nap, Emma gently nudged me, reminding me that it was time for dinner. I quickly freshened up and changed into a comfortable pair of black sweatpants and a cozy grey sweatshirt. Joining everyone at the dining table, I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. There were fruits and vegetables laid out before me, a clear indication of their concern for my health. While grateful, I couldn't help but mentally cry out for something more indulgent. Nevertheless, I understood the importance of nourishing my body, and Emma's reassuring smile reminded me that she was by my side.

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