Chapter 5: The Red Strings of Fate

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Ella's POV

With the morning sun casting a warm glow, I stride confidently towards my college, ready to conquer the day. Each step fuels my determination as I envision the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. Law class awaits, and I feel a surge of excitement as I approach the building. The halls buzz with the energy of students bustling to their destinations, a vibrant symphony of footsteps and laughter. I weave through the crowd, my mind focused on the intellectual feast that awaits me. The doors swing open, and I step into the classroom, my heart brimming with anticipation.

I enter the classroom and find a seat near the front, eager to engage in discussions and learn from my professor. The room gradually fills with students, and the air hums with anticipation. Our professor, a seasoned lawyer with a wealth of knowledge and experience, walks in and greets us warmly.

The classroom is alive with the fervent debate on the topic of mutual consent divorce. I eagerly step forward, ready to present my viewpoint.

"Your Honor," I begin passionately, "mutual consent divorce is a vital avenue for individuals seeking an amicable separation. It promotes fairness and allows couples to part ways with dignity."

One of my classmates, who holds an opposing view, challenges me, saying, "But Ella, doesn't it undermine the sanctity of marriage? Shouldn't we prioritize efforts to save marriages instead?"

I take a moment to gather my thoughts before responding, "While marriage is undoubtedly significant, we must recognize that not all relationships can be saved. Mutual consent divorce offers a humane option, reducing emotional strain and enabling both parties to move forward."

Another classmate interjects, raising the issue of children's well-being. "But what about the impact on children? Won't they suffer from their parents' separation?" they ask.

I acknowledge the concern and reply, "I understand the worry, but a mutual consent divorce actually prioritizes the best interests of children. By avoiding prolonged conflicts, parents can create a stable environment, minimizing the negative effects on their kids."

As I sat in the classroom, engaged in the passionate debate, a movement caught my eye outside the window. The voices around me faded into a distant murmur as my gaze fixed upon a stranger passing by. His presence commanded my attention, and I found myself captivated by his striking features and confident stride. With an air of mystery surrounding him, he exuded a sense of intrigue that stirred my curiosity.

I watched as he rolled up the sleeves of his shirt with a casual grace, revealing his veined hands that seemed to possess a subtle power. A pendant delicately hung from his neck, catching the light and adding a touch of charm to his attire. Every detail, from his fashion sense to the way he carried himself, exuded a quiet confidence that piqued my interest.

Our eyes met, and for a fleeting moment, the world stood still. It was as if an invisible connection formed, and I couldn't help but wonder about the impact this intriguing stranger would have on my life.

Unable to contain my curiosity, I turned to Rosy, my classmate sitting beside me, and asked about him.

"Hey, Rosy," I whispered, my voice filled with intrigue. "Do you have any information about that guy who passed by our classroom earlier?"

Rosy glanced at me, her brows furrowing slightly. "Oh, you mean Harry? He's actually the youngest boy from the Millers. I've seen him around campus a few times, but he tends to keep to himself. He is a year junior to us, but is of our age. He joined the Academy after a year-long break. He's quite introverted."

My interest grew as Rosy mentioned his name. I wanted to unravel the enigmatic qualities that surrounded Harry.

"What is he like?" I asked eagerly. "Does he have any particular hobbies or interests?"

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