Chapter 3: Come, meet my family

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Ella's POV

As an extrovert, I thrive in social situations, but I'm not much of a drinker. Surrounded by the buzz of alcohol-infused atmosphere, I realized I hadn't eaten anything at the party yesterday, apart from two scoops of my favorite caramel and butterscotch ice cream. Dancing to upbeat music with our friends, I joined in on the fun. As the night grew late, heavy rain poured outside. By the time I finally arrived home, it was already midnight, and exhaustion overcame me. I quickly drifted off to sleep, not even noticing the rumbling in my stomach due to hunger.

The next day, as I descended the stairs, I caught sight of Alan, dressed impeccably as always. He sported sky-blue denim jeans, a white t-shirt, and a matching sky-blue coat. It seemed like he was getting ready for yet another date. At this point, I had lost count of how many he had been on this month alone. But hey, it's not my fault.

"Good morning, El," Alan greeted me.

"Good morning, Alan," I replied with a smile.

"Hangover from yesterday's party, huh?" he exclaimed, noticing my downtrodden expression.

Little did he know that it was hunger that had dampened my spirits. I couldn't even fathom how I managed to sleep through the night without succumbing to the gnawing emptiness in my stomach. Today, my appetite had reached horse-like proportions, and the rumbling in my belly drowned out any other concerns.

"Come on, you know I don't drink alcohol," I responded somewhat irritably. I was truly famished, and my stomach wouldn't settle for anything less than food. Unfortunately, it couldn't process questions or inquiries this morning.

"Are you okay? Take a break today," he said with concern in his voice.

"I'm okay, just hungry. I didn't eat anything yesterday."

Alan Wilson, my first elder brother, is 22 years old and undeniably handsome, boasting a fit physique from his regular gym sessions. He has brown almond-shaped double-lid eyes, light brown skin, a charming dimpled smile, a straight nose, luscious pink lips, a round chin, and a well-trimmed beard. He tends to flirt playfully with my female friends, much to my annoyance. Sometimes, I wonder if he's the only one who flirts with his sister's friends or if there are more like him out there. I wish he would find someone special so that I wouldn't have to worry about introducing my friends to him.

Moreover, I don't want Lara to get hurt. I can't comprehend why she still harbors feelings for my brother, even though he flirts with numerous girls. Alan fancies himself the smartest among us all, and I must admit that sometimes he truly is. He's extremely protective of our family, never imposing limitations due to societal judgments. He's always there for his siblings whenever we need him. Alan treats us all equally, caring for us like a doting grandpa does for his grandchildren. He embodies responsibility and maturity when it comes to our family, and we all cherish him for that. Perhaps Lara is drawn to his protective and caring nature. Maybe Lara secretly likes this protective and caring side of Alan.

He's currently in his final year at the Royal Academy of Magic, specializing in 'Omnikine' (studying and enhancing the strength of the water element in magic) and pursuing a human subject in business administration. Alan aspires to continue our father's legacy in business.

Unlike other royal families who let property and business inheritance tear them apart, we remain grounded. Our professional lives don't interfere with our personal relationships, and our personal lives don't dampen our competitive spirit. We're free to chase our dreams and compete within legal boundaries. We support, protect, and care for each other through thick and thin. Above all, we have a cherished place called 'home,' where none of us ever feels alone. I treasure my bond with my family. At the end of each day, we have a sanctuary where we can share our thoughts, discuss life, create memories, solve problems, spread love, and yes, engage in petty fights.

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