The Antimony of Nova

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AUTHORS NOTE: Disclaimer talks about disability and spoliers to my book series. Hello here's something you guys should know well I am austistic with ADHD. I wanted one of my oc's to embrace my disability and to teach others about people like me, plus I thought it would make the character more interesting. I tend to make alot of my ocs alot like me in ways. They're short of like my different personalities. Anyays let's get started into the deep dive of my oc.

Nova has been said to be a mutant. Some say that her mother was a hashira and her father a demon, making her a hybrid. Nova's genetics have lead to some physical and mental mutations. Her body fixes it's self to make it more adapt to the enviroment. Nova's body changed certain parts of her antimony to allow her to hunt demons. Kinda like what Genya has, but her body also changed to fit in with her pride. Nova does eat demons(probably people too oops spolier hint) she first tasted demon flesh by her beast parents feeding her the meat. That also caused Nova's genetic makeup to mutate due to this diet. Now let's take a deep dive into her antimony.

Dental Work: Nova's jaws have adapted to consuming demon flesh, just like Genya's. Nova does have a wicked nasty bite, not pleasant if you ever been bitten by her. This is due to her jagged fang like teeth, good for shreeding flesh. She also has two hook fangs on her bottom jaw ment for scraping off flesh off the bone. The back dental work of her jaws are lined with razor like molars used for grinding bones. Yes, I said it, bones! Nova has really strong jaws a recorded bite PSI of 442kg.(fact did you know that was the world record for the strongest jaws) A very weird adpatation Nova can do is actually detach her jaw, can of like what snakes do to each food bigger than them. This adpatation is made to let Nova get a bigger bite, she can also lock her jaw in a death grip. Nova's salvia as has its adptations, with being more corrosive. She is know to salivate heavily when she's in her demon form preferably when she's in "hunting mode." She's basically was engineered to be a predator. One last thing about Nova is she has a really long tongue for some reason.

Stomach: Just like her master Nova loves to eat, and has a pretty big appetite. Nova has a high metabolism allowing her to burn calories of food down. An adaptation to Nova's stomach because she lived most her life in the wild. There's a special type of bacteria in her stomach that allows her to consume raw meat without getting sick. An interesting adaptation!

Flexibility: Nova is mostly known for her flexibility, how she can let her body bend and twist. She is very nimble! Being able to squeeze in tight places. Nova can rearrange her bones, like Inosuke can with his organs. She can also extend her limbs which is quite disturbing to witness. Her body became this way in order to endure the wilderness.

Claws: Yes you heard me, she does have claws. Nova flies them she is often seen doing this becaues of how fast they grow back. Her claws can be dangerous if she let them grow out. At full length her claws can sting, being able to slice through skin like butter.

Health: With being a mutation there are some cons, can be physical or mental health. Nova does have physical and mental problems, well talk mostly about the physical problems. First noted is Nova is not the strongest demon slayer(yet) but she makes up with it by her smarts. Nova does have a slight limp in one of her legs, no one knows why even she doesn't know she's just used to it. Nova is a lanky girl, being at a height of 5'7. Her legs are mostly what makes up her height, but Nova is clumsy at times and trips on her ownself. Nova's immune system does have problems as well. There hasn't been much immune issues besides Nova gets more sick than others, but she always comes back stronger.

Eyes: Nova is neurodiverse, she views the world differently from others. This means Nova's senses are heightened, making them sensitive. Nova's eyes are mostly impacted by this. Her eyes are very sensitive to sunlight to the point where it's blinding. Her robe has a hood that she puts on when she goes out in sunlight, to protect her eyes. Nova's eyes maybe sensitive during the day, but at night is where they dominate. Nova's eyes are perfectly adapted for seeing in the dark. She can see clearly in the darkest and densest of forest. Here's a fact, Nova has hard time looking someone in the eye. When asked she explained "It's very intimidating to look someone in the eye."

Hearing: Nova does have hearing issues, that being in loud noises. She hates too much noise too, it can cause her to over stimulate. A pro to having really sensitive ears, Nova can hear the slightest of sounds. She can hear movements and incoming attacks, even hear underground.

Mind: Nova has been known for how intelligent she is through out the demon slayer corps. She was given a blessing, the gift of knowlegde. Always wanting to learn and study the world around her. Nova takes pride in her study and things that she is passionate about. She studies everything in her enviroment, even people too. Nova does have learning problems, sometimes its hard to do other things pick up quickly on. Nova was diagnosed with Autism and ADHD. The medic said that it be impossible for her to be a demon slayer because of her disability, but she proved them wrong that any thing is possible. She does have problems with her disability, like getting distracted especially at shiny things. This has been proven many of times, one time she was asked why she stares at Tengen so much her response was "I can't help it he's so shiny!" She does get carried away too, she's been know to have to be on watch or she'll wander off. Nova is a slow learner mostly in things she's not interested about. Subjects that she is interested about she'll pick up on really quickly. Nova is known to blurt out things at random times, it in being a fact or a random noise/word. She is known to stim at times, you can also by her different types of stims how she is feeling. If she's waving her hands around or hopping/skipping, she's happy or excited. If she stomps around, that could mean she's frustrated or annoyed. Nova mostly stims vocally, she'll often randomly burst out a noise. The others brush it off or laugh/giggle, but they accept that part of Nova's unique personality. They admire this about her, it's a sign she trusts you, she only does it around others she's comfortable with. Short of her way accepting you into her pride. Dispite having a disability, all the people Nova meets have been inspired by her. The corps let's her be herself making her feel loved and at home. As for the others they wouldn't change one bit of her because they love her for being her. 

Highlight Abilities:
--- Nova can roar and growl like different animals this she learned from the wild by copying the sounds of the wildlife around her. She can tell what a bird is by simply listening to it's call. Nova can actually talk to animals because of this to, but it's mostly her spiritual nature that allows her talk to animals even plants crazy that sounds. She also makes her own animalistic sounds which sound unhuman. She known to roar if she feels threatened or as a warning, mostly obtained to her animal like nature from her living among them. It's believed how she can make theses sounds is that she can control her vocal cords. She trained her vocals to even mimic other peoples voices, but she rarely does this.

--- Nova has a sixth spiritual sense, this is due to her senses being heightened even heightening her spiritual sense. She can sense peoples aura and spiritual energys, even see them.  Due to her awakening of her sixth she was the given the mark of the shaman. This gift can be a blessing and both a curse. Nova holds a dark secret that she has to lived with in her life. It's said Nova can predict the future through visions of realistic dreams.This can show her others fates, that leave her up at night. She can also sense when something bad has happened, she has sensed when others have passed on.

--- Nova's eyes at night have been known to gleam like cats eyes, even glow.(only in demon form they glow) Sanemi was the unfortunate victim to discover this which when he did he almost had heart attack.

--- An adaptation Nova trained her body to do is run on all fours, she actually can move pretty fast on all fours. Often switching from regular running to getting down and running on all fours. She trained her body this way so she could live with her pride.

--- How Nova is able to maneuver her hand around and spin her skewers so skilled? All to her double jointed thumbs that allow her to work so talentedly with her weapons. There are many other places in her hand that are double jointed, also other places in her body too.

--- BONUS FACT: It's known when Nova yawns it looks like an animal yawning. When others see her do this, they note it's quite terrifying.

( I'm sorry this took forever! There was alot of adding in details plus I'm moving so I'm busy. Art will be posted soon! YOU ALL WILL GET TO SEE NOVA TRUST ME!)

Demon slayer Oc (FIXED ON 6/19/23) (STILL IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now