A lying witch, a Warden, and a Spider part 1

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So I finally watched Across the Spider-Verse and uhhhh...

HOLY SHIT THAT WAS AMAZING!!! I honestly didn't think I was gonna like it that much because I thought the hype about it and the first one was overrated at first and I honestly prefer insomniac Spider-Man over Spider-verse Spider-Man but yeah I really liked it. Also I've only seen season 1 of Owl house so don't spoil it, GOT IT!!!! But anyways, here we go.

*the next day*

We see a Miss Luz Noceda outside with a dejected look on her face as her mother Camila comes out wearing a nurse uniform.

Camila: Oh my baby. Now don't worry, summer camp is only going to be for three months. You'll be so busy balancing checkbooks and learning to appreciate public radio. The time will fly by.

Luz: But I don't like any of that stuff. I like editing anime clips to music and reading fantasy books with convoluted backstories.

Camila: Mija, your fantasy world is holding you back. Do you have any friends? Real ones, not imaginary or drawn or reptilian? And Niko doesn't count.

Luz then looked down as she began to walk close to a trash can.

Camila: Summer camp is a chance to make some friends, but you have to try. Can you do that

Luz: yes Mom. (Places book in trash)

Camila: But look on the bright side. You won't be the only one going.

They both hear a car pull up next to them. Out came the white haired Neko boy and Luz's long time crush. Niko Parker.

Luz *blushing*: Niko?

Niko: Hey Luz!

He then quickly went up to Luz and hugged her as she hugged back. She couldn't help but blush harder as she hugged him tighter. The sound of two doors opened and closed as two individuals came forth. Peter and Felicia Parker. Niko's mom and dad.

Luz: Tío Peter, Tía Felicia.

Felicia: (Hugs Luz) Hi Luz, my little magician.

Peter: (joins hug) How's the Magic life treating ya.

The two parents then hugged Camila as they talked for a bit. Niko then grabbed his bags that had his clothes and other supplies. Ready for this "Summer Camp"

(Bro I'm not gonna lie, it didn't sound like summer camp when I first watched it. It sounded like a remedial school.)

Peter and Felicia then hugged their son goodbye as they said they'll miss him and wait for him to get back. The two then drove off as they waved. Camila then heard her phone buz.

Camila: Oh, I gotta go to work. (Kisses Luz's forehead) your bus is coming soon. Text me when you get there. (Speaking Spanish)

(No that's not me being lazy or anything. That's literally the Disney caption on the subtitles)

Luz: Bye, Mom.

She was still a little upset at how things played out. But she smiled as Niko consoled her a bit. She then looked to see if her mom was out of sight. But panicked at seeing that her book was gone.

Luz: (Digs through trash) Wait where is it? Where is it?!

Niko: Where's what?

Luz: My book, it was just right here?! I was going to grab it as soon as Mom was gone.

(Owl Hoot)

Niko: *GASP* BIRD!!!!!

Luz sees an owl with a bag.

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