I walked downstairs and unlocked the front door so that Jasper could come in when he got here. I then walked back upstairs and towards my bathroom, needing a shower or a bath desperately. Grabbing a comfortable set of clothes and placing them on the desk near the bathroom, I walked in and turned on the taps at the bath. If I was going to have someone come over, especially someone like Jasper, I was going to need at the very least, twenty minutes to soak in the bath.

Once the water had filled the tub, I stripped down and climbed into it, keeping my bandaged wrist out of the water and resting it on the edge of the bath so that it didn't get wet. I leaned back against the bath and relaxed, sighing in content at the warmth of the water.

Twenty minutes later and I finally climbed out of the bath and wrapped my bathrobe around myself. I walked out of the bathroom and into my room to get changed. I wasn't expecting to see Jasper sitting on my bed when I turned around with one of my baggiest T-shirts in my hands.

"God damn it Jasper! Couldn't you have waited downstairs?!" I shouted at him as I made sure that I was completely covered by my robe.

"You didn't answer when I called out. And your bedroom door was open so I came in to check on you," he said as he looked at me, his eyes travelling from my toes to my eyes very slowly and deliberately. I made sure that my chest was covered and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Get out of my room and wait downstairs while I get changed, Jasper," I snapped at him and he got up and walked towards the door.

"I'm going! I'm going!" he said as I walked over and I pressed against his back, trying to urge him out of my room.

Before either of us reached the door, Jasper whirled around, grabbed hold of both of my arms and turned us around. He quickly shut the door before we reached it as he backed me up towards it and he pressed me back against the door. I winced at the sudden contact and my eyes closed again. I froze and my eyes flew open when I felt him nuzzling into my neck.

"Jasper? Jasper don't. Let me go," I said quickly, pushing against his chest and he let out a small growl.

"Please don't ask me to, Aria. I don't know why, but I found it hard to be away from you yesterday..." he whispered against my neck and I swallowed heavily.

"Just...I need to get dressed, Jasper. Please..." I pleaded with him but his grip only tightened around me and I felt his lips at my neck.

"No! Jasper...Don't. I'm serious this time! Let me go and go downstairs so that I can get dressed or I swear that I will revoke my permission for you to be in my house," I said and I felt him stiffen before he pulled back slightly.

"You...You wouldn't..." he said in a small voice.

"I would and I will if you don't leave my room right now," I said to him, doing my best to keep my tone firm and even.

He looked at me, his expression that of a young child being told off by their parents. He pulled back slowly, letting go of me as he went. I stiffened slightly as I felt the warmth and stickiness of my blood rolling down from the wounds at my wrist and dripping off of the tips of my fingers. I saw his eyes flicker towards it and he stopped.

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