Stage 5

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"That was the best nap I've had in school ever" I said stretching my arms out

"Id assume so, you slept the whole entire school day!" Hinata slightly shouted amazed

"It wasnt intentional! Have fun at cram school though!" I said as she nodded waving goodbye walking away

I watched her walk away as I saw Hana pull up to the school as I smiled. I got in the car as she drove me home which I was thankful for.

"Hey can I use Moms's motorcycle for the gang meeting since you have one too?" I asked hoping she would say yes

"You know your dad would kill me." She said Parking the car in the driveway

"Please! He gave it to me for a reason.. why can't I drive it" I said with pleading eyes as she looked at me and sighed

"Fine. But if your dad finds out. I didn't know about any of this!" She said looking at me as she gave in

"Yay! Your the best bodyguard or whatever dad hired you for I forgot it's been to long!" I said giving her a hug before jumping out the car running inside

I heard her chuckle as she got out the car. I quickly took off my shoes and ran into the garage revealing the huge amount of space with multiple cars. My mother was a street racer and Hana was one of her companions. But after awhile they got involved in some pretty fucked up shit. Thus explaining why I have no idea if my mother is dead or alive. My father and Hana avoid topics at all cost.
I admired all the cars in the garage as I run my finger over each one before reaching the motorcycle. It was breath taking seeing the Ninja 250r so close.

I smiled as I noticed the keys where still in it before I hopped on top of it with a huge grin on my face

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I smiled as I noticed the keys where still in it before I hopped on top of it with a huge grin on my face. Next thing I know it I was interrupted.

"I take it your ready to go? We can leave an hour early so you get used to the bike" she asked as she pulled the cover off of hers.

I noticed she eyed it for a second with a small smile on her face. Before she snapped out of it and got on the bike.

"That's fine with me. Can you open the garage door?" I asked kindly as she nodded and clicked a button opening the door

I smiled and thanked her as I started up the motorcycle with a giggle as it actually started.

"We're gonna need gas" I said looking over to Hana as she nodded

I backed out the garage not exactly knowing where a gas station is I clicked the gps so it could take me to one. I drove off a little wobbly at first before the next thing you know if I was speeding through traffic laughing like a kid on Christmas.
I checked behind me and surprisingly Hana was actually behind me. I smiled at her as I put my attention back in-front of me feeling my hair blow through the wind. Suddenly I realized I didn't change my school clothes.

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