Chapter 13

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I was sat watching the tv as I had been doing since the meeting with the world leaders where Victor basically made us out to be human eating monsters as Rachel and the others give me some space. *I failed them* I thought before I threw a beer bottle at the wall shattering it which the others heard but decide to let me deal with it as they knew this was hard on me.

"Victor will pay" I tell myself as I hop out the window and jump from rooftop to rooftop as I look down at the people below and wonder why I'm trying to help them when things will never change before I see a woman being attacked in an alley so I jump down and knock the thugs out as she looked at me with my glowing red eyes but I just turn to walk away before she speaks. "Hold on your one of them but why did you help me?" she asked as I stop and not even looking at her gave my response. "You needed help and that's all there is to it so take some advice and drop the drugs in your bag before you ruin your life" I tell her and as I told her she drops the drugs in her bag and walks away and hopefully get the help she needs as I walk away from the scene before stopping at the sense of someone behind me.

"It seems your still acting as if you want peace but I know better after all your kind has always been seeking bloodshed" a member of the Templars says as I noticed more surrounding me as the people clear away from us as they know what is about to happen as I clench my fists. "I seek only change but all of you stand in the way of that" I tell them as I quick spin round and punch the ones closest to me away as a fight breaks out with me being more experienced when it comes to fighting however the Templars soon hit some buildings which begin to fall on people forcing me to defend them.

As I'm holding up the rubble the Templars begin shooting me in the back over and over as I slowly take a knee but contiue to prevent the rubble from hurting anyone as the people watched the sceen unfold but just then Rachel and the other jump in to the battle knocking the Templars back. "You ok F/n?" Rachel asked as the last person managed to get from under the rubble finally freeing me of it so I can fight again. "I'm good now that your here lets show these bastards what we can do" I tell them as they nod before we rushed into ahuge battle me and Rachel watching each others backs as Winter freezes them in place while Lucas and Sophie provide support and not long after that Victor steps up to battle and I take him on.

"This is how all of this should end with you dying by my hand" Victor tells me as he shoots at me with silver bullets which doesn't surprise me as her but I move in close and punch him in the face knocking him back. "WE HAVE BEEN TREATED LIKE OUTCASTS ALL OUR LIVES AND FOR WHAT JUST BEING WHAT WE ARE TELL ME HOW THAT'S FAIR" I scream as I punch him again over and over as I feel a sense of blood lust rising within me as I knock Victor to the ground and place my foot on his chest holding him down. "I haven't had this much fun in years maybe I should be a monster let the beast within out" I tell Victor as I reach my claws towards his neck ready to rip his throat out before I stop and step back.

"We might not be perfect but we can change and some day things might actually change for the better" I tell him as I walk away along with the others.

Time Skip

After the battle with the Templars the world leaders agreed it would be best for us to have our own island where all supernatural people as we all prepare to leave on a boat as Cody sees us off. "I'm going to miss all of you" Cody said as I hug him with a smile on my face before speaking. "You are more than welcome once everything is up and running" I tell him as I grab my stuff and walk on to the boat which we use to head for our new home as the message is sent out across the world about a place where those of the supernatural can live in peace.

The End

I know the ending sucks but I was beginning to lose interest and I didn't want to leave it without an ending so please forgive me.

A World Dividedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें