Chapter 12

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I wake after only to see Rachel sleeping next to me so I decide to carefully but quietly get up as to not wake her before walking out the room to grab a drink from the fridge as I see Cody soon walk out his room to join me. "So how did you sleep?" Cody asked as I smile before tossing him a beer as we both walk outside for some fresh air while we talk. "To be honest I slept better than I have before" I tell him as my smile becomes a little bigger but Cody also smiled as we drink beer together looking out at the sun shining on the lake.

"So what do we do now?" Cody asked me and I knew the answer as I take another sip of my beer as I step forward and stop at the edge of the lake. "We stand and fight no more running this is our city and many others like us call it home so we need to go back to protect it" I tell Cody as I look back at him and my eyes change but they were different normally they are yellow but now they are bright red.

 "We stand and fight no more running this is our city and many others like us call it home so we need to go back to protect it" I tell Cody as I look back at him and my eyes change but they were different normally they are yellow but now they are ...

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"What's the deal with the eyes?" Cody asked confused by their sudden change. "The truth is these are my real eyes the yellow was just me not feeling ready to accept my role but now I am ready to become the alpha of this pack" I tell him as I soon saw Rachel, Sophie, Winter and Lucas all standing at the door with smiles on their face before we all head inside to pack. After we got our stuff we all head to the city Sophie was a little unsure if she would be welcome in the city since unlike the rest of us she can't change her form to look more human however I gave her a smile as I go into my beast man form showing we are all in this together before turning back.

At The City

As the chief was work she soon gets a call from me telling her what we are doing and she quickly rushed out towards the square where all of us stand as people look at us freaked out mainly by Sophie however a set of news reporters quickly show up as the chief does too but I stop her as I needed them to see us as they begin broadcasting us on every tv around the world. "My name is F/n L/n and I am a werewolf now your all probably thinking what's he on or something like that but it is the truth and I will prove it here and now" I say as change into my werewolf form as everyone looked scared as Lucas shows himself as Winter transforms into her dragon form as Rachel shows her fangs while Cody stood by us as I turn back to human.

"I know we seem scary but we are only trying to live in peace with humans but lately a group known as the Templars have been attacking us just for being what we are all those bodies which have been turned to ash is because of them, we have grown tired of living in the shadow fighting to become accepted and that is why we stand here now to tell the Templars we are no longer running but we are standing here ready to fight so if any other people like us are tired of all this and truely want to live then your more than welcome to join is in the fight but it's your choice" I say as the chief looked at us as Winter goes back to her human form as we all start walking as the chief finds us a large penthouse for all of us to share.

After the broadcast was made which was over a month ago many more supernatural people came out of hiding and while some were still scared to try they too gave us support as me, Rachel and Cody were called to appear before the world leader. "Once we step through these doors we will be represent all the supernaturals but Cody you will be showing them it's possible for us all to work together" I tell them as we walk through the doors as all of the world leaders look at us but I soon saw the man from a month ago who created the Templars standing there telling me this was more than just a discussion as the cameras all start broadcasting the meeting.

"Now then we of the world leaders are here to discover if we can trust you and to make it far we asked the leader of the Templars to join this discussion" the leader of usa says as we nod but I couldn't help the unease I feel with him being here. "Thank you for having me I should really introduce myself my name is Victor Van Helsing leader and creator of the Templars" Victor says as just hearing the name Van Helsing makes my blood boil but remain calm as to not make us look bad since this could decide the fate of all supernatural creatures. "My name is F/n L/n and I'm grateful to have the chance to speak to all of you today and hope this talk will bring us all closer to peace" I tell them as I see them nod as the talks begin but while we were at the talks Templars were on the move to attack Cody, Winter and Sophie but I planned ahead and got the chief and her officers to stand guard as protection I refuse to let anyone ruin this chance at peace.

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