heartfirst || 3:15

Start from the beginning

"Is it over?" Madelyn slowly lifted the pillow from her face.

"I'm your muse?" Lucas asked her with a smirk.

"Ugh," Madelyn threw the pillow at him, "shut up, you already knew that."

"At least the whole world knows all the nice things you two said about me. To go along with all the crappy things Nathan said about me," Haley smiled.

"Well, what did he say when you talked to him?" Lucas asked.

"I haven't talked to him yet," Haley denied. Lucas and Madelyn looked at her confused. "I know, I just don't wanna pry open old wounds."

"Yeah, well I think the time capsule already did that for you," Madelyn reminded in a sing-song voice.

"Which just really sucks because I have to get up on stage and sing for this benefit. It's like the worst possible time for all this stuff to blow up again."

"Hey Lucas, could we talk to you?" Karen asked, walking into his room with Keith's arm wrapped around her shoulder. They gained the attention of the three teens. "Well, Keith and I have been doning some talking, and.."

"We're engagged," Keith announced.

"What?" Haley squealed, jumping off Luke's bed.

"Oh my god! You guys!" Madelyn followed right behind her, pulling the two in for a hug.

Lucas stood up slowly and happily, a smile growing on his face. "Well it's about time!" He finally stated, hugging Keith tightly.

"Oh my gosh, you guys are really engagged?" Haley said shocked as she hugged Karen. "That's so awesome."

"Here's a little advice," Nathan's voice rang from the computer, "...never get married. In the end, you'll only be miserable." Karen looked to Haley with pityful eyes.

Could be forever or we might break, 
That's just the kind of risk that we take,


A knock rang out at the door and Nathan walked in.

"Oh hey," Haley greeted, screwing on the top of her waterbottle.

Madelyn stood from the couch, "I'm gonna go change," she excused herself. "Cute flowers, Nate," she stated with a small smile as she walked past him.

Nathan laughed at the brunette before turning to his wife. "How you holding up?" he asked.

"I'm good, just a few butterflies."


"Actually when I say butterflied I mean, like, giant things the size of Mothra or whatever Godzilla fought."

"Well, you'll be okay," He handed her the flowers, "I got you these for good luck. You know we should find out what those flowers are called and order some seeds or something. At the rate I've been screwing up there's not gonna be any left to pick." He watched as Haley took a deep breath. "Come here," he pulled her into his embrace. "I'm so proud of you. And I love you. You'll be great out there. Okay? You've got nothing to worry about."

"Haley! Can you zip me up?" Madelyn's voice called out, interrupting their conversation. 

"That's my cue," Nathan laughed, backing away.

"Nate! Send Lucas in if you see him!" She called again.

"You got it Mads!" he called back, and the door latched behind him.

"Haley!" she called again.

"I'm coming!" Haley replied.

My head is yelling that I could get hurt, 
But I'm gonna jump right in,
Baby, with my heart first


I gotta have ya, diving in heart first,
I gotta have ya, wake up in your t-shirt

"Hey," Lucas walked into the green room the music from Fall Out Boy streaming in. "You were looking for me?" he asked, walking up behind her seat at the mirror.

"Yeah, I-" she trailed off, grabbing his hand. "Luke, what the hell happened to you," she spun around, taking his face in her hands to check him for injuries. 

"These guys attacked Jimmy, it's a long story," he stretched his jaw again.

"Are you alright?" she asked.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. What's going on with you?" he asked worriedly, resting his hands on her shoulders. 

"I'm just worried. I mean I haven't played live since my summer tour and this is the first time I'm playing my new song and- god- this dress is just so short," she uncomforatbly tugged on the bottom.

"Okay, Angel, look at me," he took her face in his hands, forcing her to meet his eyes. "You are a natural on that stage. You've played here a ton of times. And as for the song, you've rehearsed a million times. You've got this," he lightly smiled down at her.

"You think?" she asked once more.

"Absolutely. As for the dress, you look so hot," His eyes raked her body.

Madelyn laughed.

"There's that smile," Lucas quickly kissed her.

The door opened after a knock, "You're up, Miss Peters."

"That's my que," Madelyn kissed him once more and grabbed his hand. The two walked toward the stage, hand in hand, listening to Peyton introduce her.

"Next up, Tree Hill's very own Miss Americana-" Cheers rang out, "give it up for my best friend, Madelyn Peters!"

Madelyn dropped Lucas's hand and made her way onto the stage.

"Hey everyone!" Madelyn greeted in the mic. "Thanks for being here tonight! Make sure to donate to the cause and keep yourself healthy!" The crowd cheered. "Here's my new song, Heartfirst!" She turned and winked at Lucas in the wings as her band started.

"Who knows what will happen,
Ain't that always kinda magic,
When you don't know who's holding the cards
Could be a wish-I-never-knew-ya,
Or permanently-tattoo-ya,
Only the moon knows what's in the stars,

That voice in my head says to slow down, 
But it can't feel your hands on my hips right now,
It may not be next year, what I need,
Then again, maybe it might be

Could be forever or it might break,
That's just the kinda risk that we take,
My head is yelling, that I could get hurt
But I'm gonna jump right in, baby with my heart first."

Madelyn danced around the stage, singing with her band. She flipped her hair as she started the bridge.

"And I can't stop myself anymore,
Oh, we couldn't end the perfect night outside my front door,
Could be forever or we might break,
That's just the kinda risk that we take,
My head is yelling that I could get hurt,
But I'm gonna just right in, baby with my heart first..."

the song : heartfirst by kelsea ballerini

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the song : heartfirst by kelsea ballerini

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