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We walked down the hall to the front left and walked into what was probably her room.

"Look around while I get you something comfortable to wear," she called to me and disappeared behind a gray and white door.

When she was gone, I started looking at her room. It was a little more colorful than Ace's, a little more white/beige.

In her bed there were many fluffy pillows.On a small cupboard next to the bed there were many small cute stuffed animals.

Across from the bed is a desk,on the table there were a lot of books,hanging on the wall above the table many pictures of Ace, her and her family.

The white and gray door opened slightly.

"Do you prefer long pants or shorts? ", she asked me while she looks slightly in front of the door.

"I'd much prefer shorts", I said, shrugging my shoulders and smiling slightly at her. She smiled too and closed the door.

A glittering dress lay on a hanging chair. I went to the dress and carefully picked it up.

It was long and had a slit from the knee. "And what do you think of it?" I snap out of my thoughts.

"It's beautiful, have you ever worn it?" , I asked interested.

"Yes, a few times, but it doesn't look good on me, if you want you can wear it sometime, but now you should put this on first", she said and gave me the things.

"Thanks, where can I change?" , she pointed to a white door.

"There in the bathroom."

"Okay thanks, see you soon," I said and disappeared into the bathroom. When I was in the bathroom, I took off my t-shirt and pants.

After that I started to wear her clothes and to think about what her name could be.

"Tell me, what's your name?" I called from the bathroom.

"Marija, but Mia or Marij works too," she said. I walked out of the bathroom and presented my outfit while telling her her name is beautiful.

,,Wow, things look good on you," she looked at me in amazement.

"Thank you, is there still room next to you?" I asked her and when she nodded I sat next to her.

,, So Sofia, listen, I can see that you're a little sad and I know that it wasn't fair for Ace to kidnap you, but Ace kidnapped you because he wants you. Of course I also see you looking at the windows and everything as you want to escape but once Ace wants you he always wants you and if you escape he will keep looking for you until he finds you. You have to marry him later, that's the only thing you can do and he's not that stupid, is he?",

Shit, how did she know that I wanted to flee and how does she know that I was looking for a way out?

Of course, back then I always wished to be kidnapped, but I think you shouldn't wish for every crap because family and friends would be worried, maybe.

I'll be honest, being kidnapped isn't as great as I had hoped it would be at the time.

"Sofia, hey?" Marija's voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Marija, you know I don't know anyone here and can't trust anyone." I explained to her and looked at the floor.

,, Fine, then I'm your girlfriend now and you can trust me, trust is not only gained through the length of a friendship, but through the feeling that the person gives you and yes, my family may seem strange to you, but that's only at the beginning since you don't know her, but trust me you'll feel right at home before long." she told me.

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