"Don't take me as a fool, jungkook-ah. I see the way you look at him when you think nobody is noticing. And I also have seen your oblivious genius do the same. The way he got anxious when you weren't home yesterday, says a lot. He is different. You know that, right? He would never consciously hurt you."

"Oh, but he is a pain in the behind sometimes…" the prince chuckled, pinching the bread cheeks in front of him. But the scientist was so lost in his touch that he didn't hear the prince's teasing remarks.

"Stop it, Jungkookie. We both know that he is just hungry for love. Just see how he turns from a feisty tiger to cuddly bear in just a matter of seconds when you give him that affection. Give both of you a chance at love, will you?"

"I will try. See you on Monday, grangran!"

"Oh, is this how you youngsters tell people not to disturb you on your romantic getaway?" The queen teased.

"Ugh! Goodbye!"

"Take care. And have fun!" The queen sing-songed!

When he switched his phone off, shifting his attention back to the man on his side, he saw Taehyung already looking at him!

Jungkook tucked away the stray hair from the scientist's face and said,

"Tae, please don't look at me like this…." His eyes shaky, shifting from the other's eyes to lips every other millisecond.

"Like what, Kook?" Taehyung questioned, tilting his head a little.

"With those hooded eyes and parted lips. If you don't stop, I am going to kiss you now..."

"But why? There is no one here, watching us..." Taehyung asked innocently.

"Would it be bad?"


"If I start kissing you even when no one is watching us?"

Taehyung gifted him with silence. And the moment when he thought he should step away because of the silent rejection, Taehyung leaned in wordlessly, claiming his lips.

🔞 minors DNI

This kiss was unlike their prior ones. When they kissed for the first time or days after that, it would always be a pretence. Something they did either for the show or to tease each other. There was no heat or emotions until the last few days.

In these few days there was a weird pull between them. The stolen glances and unnecessary touches got frequent. But still, there was uncertainty, a hesitation.

But this kiss had everything they described as a perfect kiss in those romantic novels. It stole both their breaths. Lying on their sides, Jungkook now had cupped the other's nape and the other hand was holding onto his waist in a tentative grip. But in the next few seconds, Taehyung had managed to hold the prince by his neck and had managed to turn themselves around. Jungkook now lay flat on the bed while Taehyung lay on top of him. To Jungkook, this slight weight felt too good. He craved more, much more.

They both did not know where this kiss was leading them, they were just acting on instincts. So when the scientist tried to deepen the kiss, the prince suddenly pulled him fully up to straddle his own body. Their tongues mingled in a messy kiss. Both were trying to gain control of it but at the same time, both wanted to lose it. If that makes sense.

In most of his past hookups (even that was a rare instance), Taehyung never allowed anyone to kiss him. It was too intimate for him. His inhibitions never allowed anyone else to be that close to him. Even while having sêx his mind would always be distracted by different things. It was just for a quick release with faceless people. They mostly happened when he was too out of it. Drunk frustration or desperation. When things didn't work his way. When his data didn't turn out the way he expected, when someone else got the project grant instead of him, or when he lost a scholarly argument. All rare instances. So it was always a temporary distraction from something more significant. something to get over with.

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