Imagine the BV Maximals finding an abandoned baby reader

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"You are correct Rhinox." Replied Optimus. "The sparkling will not survive out here without the care of humans who are willing and quipped with raising sparklings. Which is why I'm going to our human allies right now to see if they could offer any assistance in the matter."

"Good idea." Observed Rhinox.

Cheetor grabbed the basket by the handles and carried it in his mouth before proceeding to follow Rhinox and Optimus toward the human tribe. Occasionally the gorilla would glance down at the baby in his arms and smile to see the baby looking around it's surroundings and drinking in the sights with wonder and curiosity.

Primal chuckled. "Yes young one, the forest holds much tranquility and beauty. It has provided me and my family a good home for many generations, however there are also many great dangers within these woodlands and while we have adapted to survive here, I'm afraid you are still too weak and fragile to dwell here. So we are taking you to see some human allies of ours who can help provide a safe home for you."

Trekking up the final hill Optimus found the small village where his humans allies dwelled. Upon their arrival the village leader Amaru looked up from his spot near the village square and approached the beastformers.

"Greetings Optimus Primal," welcomed Amaru bowing respectfully before Primal. "to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit."

Optimus Primal bowed before Amaru responding in the tribe's native tongue. "I have come ask for your help my friend. Just a few minutes ago I found this human baby abandoned in the woods and was wondering if perhaps you could recommend a family for adopting the child." Here Primal presented you to Amaru while Cheetor deposited the baby's basket at his feet.

Shifting his staff to his other hand Amaru gazed down at you nestled in Primal's huge hand with fatherly affection and reached out to gently caress the baby's smooth, chubby check.

"You say this baby was found abandoned in the forest?" Asked Amaru tearing his gaze from you to confirm with Primal. "Sadly yes; I heard it crying near our domain and found no trace of its parents anywhere. I have no idea how long the baby had been there for nor where it came from but I do know that without a family to care for it, I fear the baby will not survive for very long."

Amaru glanced back you in his arms as he deliberated over the matter. "As it so happens Primal I may have a solution. You see just shortly before your arrival my wife and I were discussing about the possibility of adopting a child. As you may recall we've recently been praying that we should start a family of our own but so far we have not been very fortunate. But seeing this baby in your hands I now believe that it was all part of God's divine plan for us to foster this baby whom had been left without a family and to raise it as our own."

"Are You and your wife be willing to adopt this child?" Asked Primal.

"I am yes." Answered Amaru. "But before I take the child in I shall consult with my wife first and see if she wants to become the baby's mother. Please wait here I shall only be but a moment."

With that Amaru departed from the Maximal's company and went towards a group of women conversing to each other as they tended to their flocks of sheep. Politely interrupting their conversation Amaru drew his wife aside and explained the situation to her as he led his wife back towards the Maximals.

By now the villagers crowded around to see what all the commotion was and everyone was shocked beyond belief when they all saw Primal holding you in his giant metal hands. Amongst them was the village doctor who immediately hastened towards Primal and conducted a medical exam on you while Amaru, his wife and the Maximals anxiously waited to hear the results.

After a tense silence the doctor raised his head and reported. "Do not worry my friends, thanks to the Maximals we have a nice and healthy baby girl to add to our fold."

"A girl." Primal whispered with a smile as he watched Amaru's wife gently lifting you into her arms and cradling you in the crook of her elbow. "Poor little dear!" She cooed gently rearranging the blankets around you to keep you warm. "Who on earth would leave an infant alone like that!"

"That why the Maximals have delivered the baby here my love. They want to know if either we would be willing to adopt the baby ourselves or to see if there's another family in our village who would be willing to care for the child." Said Amaru. "Now I know this is all quite sudden and I understand if you want some time to think it over before making a decision—" before he could finish Amaru's wife cut him off. "Yes Amaru, I want to be the baby's mother. I've been thinking a long time now about wanting to start a family of our own and despite me not being able to carry a child in my own womb, I believe that all things happen for a reason and all events unfold in their own time. Well I think the chance of us being parents has finally presented itself for this very reason. This little girl has no family to care for it and we have no children to love so I believe it only makes sense for us to fix two broken halves and be made whole."

"Your really willing to adopt this baby?" Asked Primal.

Amari's wife nodded. "Yes, my husband and I will raise and nurture this child as if it were our own."

"Thank you my friends, I have every confidence in you both that the baby is in good hands."

"Thank you Primal." Said Amaru picking up the baby's basket. "I can't imagine any greater allies to rely upon for the care and protection of my people other than you and your Maximals."

"Amaru you know that you can always rely upon us Maximals for care and protection should the need for it arise. But now we shall take our leave as I'm sure your eager to bond with your new daughter. However before we do might I inquire as to what the baby's name shall be?"

Amaru's wife looked down at the baby and pondered for a moment before a smile lit up her lovely face. "Her name is (Y/N) and she shall grow to be strong and brave leader as her father and the Maximals who found her."

"(Y/N)." Primal tested the name before nodding in approval. "I think that's a perfect name for her."

Sensing that their visit was coming to a close Cheetor walked up to you and planted a kitty kiss on it's cheek causing you to squeal with surprise and delight at the maximal's cool metal tongue tickling it. "Farewell little (Y/N)." He whispered before rejoining Primal.

The gorilla maximal cast one last look back at Amaru and his wife as they made their way back home with the you in tow. Catching his optics Amaru raised the your teeny tiny arm up and waved goodbye at the maximal prompting a deep chuckle to rumble from Primal's chest as he waved back at the couple before leaving with Cheetor and Rhinox to return to their own home in the rainforest.

"May Primus watch over you and guard you safely little (Y/N)."

Transformer & Clone Trooper love shots [Rewritten]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat