Every Breath You Take (H, L)

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Louis pushed Harry into the house and tackled him into the bathroom. He scrambled to rip Harry's leather pants off, which was harder than normal because they were practically glued on with sticky corn syrup. Louis nudged him into the corner of the tiled shower before he finally got them off. Didn't even bother with the shirt.

Harry's mind was wild. He had no idea what was about to happen. His brat behavior was either a brilliant idea or the worst mistake he'd ever made, and he was about to find out which.

Louis dropped to his knees, buried his face into the pink lace, and literally growled. The vibrations shot straight through Harry's cock. "Jesus fucking Christ, Harry." Louis pushed frantic kisses into Harry's hips and gripped handfuls of ass cheeks, pulling him closer. Harry didn't know what to do with his hands, so he slammed his palms against the walls and watched down at what was happening to him, panting and whimpering at every touch.

Louis's thumbs pushed into the front of his hips with a tight grip. "How are you this fucking hot?" Louis moaned and then kissed Harry's extremely hard dick without taking him out of the fabric. Finally, Louis pushed his forehead against Harry's lower stomach and put his hands on the walls around Harry's hips. He took a moment to compose himself before he looked up at Harry.

"Well, little brat. Time to get what you worked so hard for. You're going to pay for this." Louis bit the panties with his teeth and pulled back. He let go, and the elastic snapped Harry's skin at the exact moment Louis reached up to turn on the cold water only and blast them both with it. Louis didn't even flinch. Harry did. Harry nearly jumped out of the shower. When he tried to scramble out of the cold, Louis didn't budge and said, "Don't move a fucking muscle."

Holy shit. Hollllyyy shit. Liam was right. Harry was terrified.

"I'm sorry, Sir!" He panicked.

Louis stood slowly and peered down at Harry's shivering body. Soaking wet, with hot pink panties on, and Phillip's bloodied, soaking wet shirt. And Louis, shirtless with tight wet skinny jeans on, acting completely unaffected by the icy water. He looked like an actual vampire about to kill Harry.

Louis gripped Harry's throat, but not tightly. "You'll think twice before taking advice from Liam again when I'm done with you," he growled. He leaned in closer, hand still at his neck. He whispered, "Give me your color, baby."

Fuck, this was hot. But terrifying. "M'green. I'm. Lemon Green." Harry shivered under the icy water.

Louis took his free hand to turn the hot water on finally, but he didn't leave Harry's ear. "You're safe. I'd never hurt you. You can color out anytime. But you are in so much fucking trouble for these." Louis's hand slid down Harry's body and wrapped around his shower soaked, lacey dick that was somehow still fully hard despite the cold water.

Harry nodded quickly.

Louis backed away and gently peeled the shirt off Harry and let it splat on the floor. Then he took his own pants off and threw them on top. Harry slid his fingers under the pantie's waistband and started to take them off, but Louis grabbed his wrist.


Harry stopped. Fuckfuckfuck...

"Face away from me and kneel. Hands behind your back."

This was a REAL scene. Second one every, but the first one with punishment. Harry was the one who wanted to know what punishment would be like...

He followed the instruction and Louis nudged him up enough to be under the spray of the water, but his face was out of it. Then Louis... started washing Harry's hair? Liam warned him about how Louis could get in your head. Was that what this was?

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