Home Again (H)

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It'd been weeks since their last scene together, but Louis and Harry never lost contact. Most of it was through texts and phone calls, but Harry visited the set a few times once they got better at finding times to talk. It helped that Louis gave Harry all the guy's numbers.

It felt a little suspicious he did that, but Harry was secretly grateful. He hadn't meant to make Louis feel sorry for him, but being alone in LA could be scary sometimes. Not that he'd told anyone about it, but he'd gotten mugged one time before he met his new agent and had absolutely no one to talk to about it. He didn't sleep well for months after that. It was kind of nice knowing he had someone to call if he had an emergency.

Louis had even arranged some voice over recordings together, which Harry didn't really understand because they could have easily done those separately. Not that he was complaining.

Also, the guys were absolutely right about the Vexxies. Once the episode aired, they swarmed Harry with love and support. They had him trending before the episode even finished and demanded more Phillip content. It'd only been a couple of days, but already, Harry could no longer run errands without someone recognizing him, which was bizarre considering he was still barely making enough money to keep his lights on. Hopefully, that would change soon.

He was eating cheap packaged Ramen (again) and reading through the fandom tweets when he got the call he'd waited his whole life for.

"You're a hit, babe! The audience loved you and the producers have no choice but to bring you on for a long-term role!" His agent, Stella exclaimed. This was as big a break for her as it was for Harry. They'd been through a lot together the past two years and she had become the closest thing to a friend he had after she saved him from his last shitty agent, who treated him like a piece of meat to use and lose.

"Are you serious?! How long?!" Harry jumped from this futon and nearly knocked his noodles on the floor.

"They want to try you out for all of season four, Harry!" She squealed. "We'll meet up for contract negotiations on Thursday. Filming is starting up again soon too, so I hope you haven't let up on your workout regimen (he hadn't). Hope you're ready for this hun. It's happening!"

Harry didn't bother holding back the tears. Not only had he risked everything for this career, but that show specifically had just felt like home. He couldn't wait to get back to Louis and the guys. He even missed the crew, even though he didn't get much time with them. It was finally real!


One step back on the set and all four boys ran and tackled him to the floor.

"I missed you too!" Harry muffled from beneath their bodies.

Niall got up first and helped each of them stand. "We'll have a proper reunion later tonight. Drinks are on me. Liam, go with Zayn to Wardrobe, they are building you a rig to cast fire out of and they need some measurements so they can hide it in your sleeve. Louis head to make-up, you're up first today. Harry, they also need you in Wardrobe, but I want to show you Phillip's new set first."

Harry missed Niall and his spinning plates.

Louis grumbled and reached grabby hands out toward Harry as Niall pulled him away. "We are so happy to have you back, H! Let me get you up to speed while we walk." A cup of coffee mysteriously appeared in Niall's outreached hand, right as a PA sped by.

"So, as you saw from the script, Phillip and Tommy made their way back together since Nate couldn't break the bond. We are going to use that excuse for as long as possible in hopes of keeping you on the show for the long run. Your episode was our highest rated one, so we are off to a good start."

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