Chapter Uno 1️⃣

Start from the beginning


I just continued eating my bento by myself and cursing in my head. What kind of best friend is he.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Adam's POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I convinced Kaoru to have lunch with my friends instead of that green haired brute again. It's not that I didn't like him, I just knew that he liked Kaoru and didn't want to take any chances.

"Cmon Kaoru please?" I begged him with wide eyes knowing that's his weak spot.

"Fine! But only for today.- let me text Kojir-"

He began to take his phone out of his pocket, but I took the phone away from him.

"You can tell him after lunch were already late so we should go!" I knew that he would forget to tell him after lunch.

>>*time skip to when they got to the lunch area*>>

"Haha!" My stupid friend told a stupid joke.

I admired Kaoru. I loved his piercings, long pink hair, and gold colored eyes.

"Why are you staring at me?" Kaoru abruptly said as I snapped back into reality.

"Did I ever tell you that I love your hair?" I saw him blush.

"No..." He turned away, flustered.

I kissed him in front of my friends. I glanced at them and they look uncomfortable. (A/N yea who wouldn't be WHEN UR MAKING OUT IN FRONT OF THEM?! Disgusting-)

Eh- I don't care. I'm not going to let anyone get in the way of me and Kaoru. Not even that green haired third wheeler named Kojiro who's his "best friend".

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kojiro's POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~


"One more class period and the day is over!" I groaned

"You do know that there is class tomorrow right?" Someone reminded me.


The bell rang I sprinted out of there- when I mean I sprinted , I SPRINTED out. Partly because I wanted to get home and I didn't want to run into Adam and Kaoru flirting and making out at random times. I knew I was going to crack one day.

I already texted our group chat saying I won't be walking home with them because of "homework" but of course it was "read" by Adam and Kaoru didn't even see it- yet.

I rode on my skateboard until I got home. I greeted my mom and headed to my room. Ugh, I cant put up with this much longer. The only time I talked to Kaoru was in the morning and he was arguing with me. We're graduating soon and going to college so I won't have to worry after that. I'm thinking about going to Italy to study abroad. I'm extremely interested in culinary.

I didn't realize how much time has past and it was now 10:30pm. Probably lost in thought. Whatever....I'm going to sleep. Right before I went to bed I got a text from Kaoru.

It showed a picture of him and Adam at a party drinking. -Drinking- we aren't even legally allowed to drink yet. After that I got a text apologizing from him for leaving me alone at lunch without telling me. I texted back "No worries! Be safe! Im going to bed." "Read by Pinky" No response......Of course.

Whatever I'm going to bed.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kaoru's POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
<<<< (this takes place when school is ending)<<<<



I rush to meet Adam and Kojiro to walk home together. Lately Kojiro has been acting distant but I'm probably overthinking it. He's my best friend, if something bothered him he would tell me.

"Hey Adam!" I run up to him and hug him.

"Hey love" He gave me a quick peck on the lips before we started to walk.

"Where's Kojiro?" I looked around and he wasn't anywhere to be seen, he usually isn't late?

"He said he's not walking home with us." He showed me his phone with the text from Kojiro saying he had to rush home because of homework.

That's odd I hesitated at the thought

Kojiro is always focused on his studies, but never to the point where he had to rush home to work on it. He has been taking advanced classes so I guess it make sense.

Anyways, Adam and I started walking home until he brought up something about a party.

"So do u wanna go?"

" I don't know if my parents will let me it's a school night."

"Cmon! Ur 17! It's only tonight."

"Fine, I'll go."

"I'll pick you up at 7. Bye!"

He gave me a quick kiss and I headed inside to do some work and get ready for the party.

>>>>>>>>>>*time skip to the party*>>>>>>>>>>

There was blinding lights, loud music, and drinks. Lots and LOTS of drinking. I didn't take any because I knew I would have to drive Adam and I home. I remembered that I didn't text Kojiro about lunch and immediately took my phone out. I sent him a picture of me at the party first and then I told him about lunch.

                      {Text Message Conversation}

"Sorry for leaving you at lunch. Adam wanted me to eat with his friends."

"No worries! Be safe! I'm going to bed."

"Read at 10:42"

                {End of Text Message Conversation}

I smiled and was about to respond to the text before Adam snatched it out of my hands.

"Hey give it back!" I reached for it but he held it high in the air.

"Cmon love, dance with me, it's a party!" He set my phone down and reached for my hands.

I knew there was no chance of getting out of this.

>>>>>>>>*Time skip to after the party*>>>>>>>>

I had to drive Adam home because he was drunk and out of it. I apologized to his mother when I dropped him off. I knew I should've stayed at home but there's no use in thinking about it anymore.

When I got home I immediately went to bed being so tired and dreading the fact that I have to go to school tomorrow with only 4 hours of sleep.

A/N - Tell me in the comments if y'all want another chapter! If y'all don't I'll probably still do another one just for fun. 🤞

Remember to vote it really helps! And comment if u have any!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Stay healthy and gulp gulp that water! 🫰>>>>>>>>>>>

Word count :1646😄

(Update: I said I would go through the chapters and fix any grammar mistakes or tween the story to make it better so here I am doing that- the next chapters will be updated- I might not finish all of them today but please be patient!)

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