Figure From Afar

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Jungkook looked back at Ilheon, who smiled at him

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Jungkook looked back at Ilheon, who smiled at him. Although it was a bit awkward, Ilheon still decided to drop off Jungkook at his house.
"Uh... So I'll see you soon?" Jungkook says and Ilheon nodded.
"Yeah... I guess so" Ilheon says. The two looked at each other before bursting into laughter.
"Why are we so awkward?" Ilheon asks and Jungkook shrugs.

"Nothing changes between us, right?" Jungkook asks and Ilheon nodded.
"You're going to keep your promise though?" Jungkook asks and Ilheon nodded.
"Of course, you know how I am with promises" Ilheon says and Jungkook chuckles.

"Well... I'll be going in now" Jungkook says before tiptoeing and giving Ilheon a kiss on the cheek.
"Thank you for dropping me off" Jungkook says, smiling before waving goodbye.
"Hey! You just made me blush!" Ilheon jokes and Jungkook just laughed at him.

Jungkook looked at his computer screen as he made sure that there was no mistakes on the document he needed to pass. All of a sudden, Hyuki walks right next to him.
"What are you doing?" Hyuki asks and Jungkook is startled.
"Hyuki, don't just appear like that... You scared me" Jungkook says, laughing.
"Sorry" Hyuki says, letting out a chuckle.

"I just needed to make sure there's no mistake" Jungkook says and Hyuki pulled his chair right next to the other.
"Hey... You should be doing your thing" Jungkook says, seeing that Hyuki is now sitting right next to him.
"I finished it... So, any news from your day off?" Hyuki says and Jungkook chuckles.
"It's nothing... Me and Ilheon had a hangout" Jungkook says and Hyuki looks at him.
"Oh, really?" Hyuki says and Jungkook just hums.

Jungkook is restless. Maybe because he hadn't finished his document or because he had coffee. He groans and sat up, looking at his balcony and let out another groan as he sees that he had forgotten to close it. He got off of bed and went to close it but stopped as he sees something.

"What the..."

There was a mysterious figure from afar and it was creeping him out.

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