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It was a day after I was sixteen I remember awkwardly sitting on my father's desk while he was exming me. I needed to be healthy in order to partake in the.G.O.A.T(Generalized Occupational Aptitude Test)
With the end of the examination my father made clear of my health.
James- well champ everything looks normal no abnormalities what's over. You're ready for the goat.
I know from 3 years back what would my assigned role be. Seeing my fascination with general academics and my father's work especially I would most likely end as a medical assistant until my father's passing where I would take his place or an engineer/technician.
So with annoyance In my speach i complained
- do I really have to do this we all know what I will become. I mean com on I'm you're child. It's obvious.
My father with same reassuring look he always had responded.
James- I know,I know but like everyone you have to take it but feel free to talk to Me.borch after you're done ok.
I didn't really understand my father when he said. Nevertheless I I left the confines of his office giving a last look at the medicine bobblehead. And started making my way to the testing room.

Everything was like normal untill I saw the 'tunnel snakes" talking to amata. The small band of almost humans consisting of bucht,wally and Paul the same bafoons from when we where kids. Well I'm here now so let's see. While approaching I heard bucht do the most embarrassing attempt at mockery for being a daddy's girl.Right before I engage I grab buch by the shoulder cathing his attention and with a calm tone I say.
- come on guys leave her alone don't you have anything better to do?
Bucht- why do you care punk! Are you angry we are bullying your little girlfriend!.
The deliquent answered with the mocking tone which turned into a a small laughter for him and his gang.
I was holding myself to not take this too far. I need to keep my composure. But I wasn't in the mood for this also we have the test coming up so I'm gonna end this quickly.
- leave her alone or we star talking.
I answered with a bit more force hoping for them to be a little smart and simply live. Sadly I was wrong
Bucht- oh so you're gonna mess with the tunnel snakes loser bring it on! .

Right before I react I see with the corner of my eye wally and Paul raise their first from my left, while bucht pushed me in to their line Paul tried to hit me with his right hook. In an attempt to dodge I duck slightly while grabbing buch and pulling bucht towards me eating the punch instead of me. But I had to smack my back against the near wall. With that I push bitch off of me to give space. and the brawl can begin.
I tried moving between slightly to the left or right so on them couldn't get to me. Of course now I have to deal with bucht and wally slightly to the right of him I move to be almost between them when bucht and wally come at me together with bucht going for an amateurish jab while wally pulled his right arm for a hook. Instinctively I weave to the left while hitting buchtb with my right jab following it with my elbow pushing him into wally interrupting him. After that Paul came at me with a left uppercat which a blocked but still felt it good. Now exposed, I grabbed his left hand and pulled him into a headbutt, followed, by a right elbow to throw him into the other two. Now all of them cluttered together I start to blindly punch and kick as much as I can no matter what nevel letting them get away. After a good solid og punches I hear
Bucht shouting.
i stop but keep my hands up still prepared.
Bucht between ragged breathes says
Buthc- alright were leaving!
With that finally over I take a sight of relief and approach amata.
- are you alright?.
I asked amata between getting my breathing under control.
Amata- yeah I'm good,but can't that idiot relax and let me be, I'm not even getting soeacial treatment for Christ sake.
With that out of the both of us get the testing room where we take our sits and start doing the test which is pitiful at best. As I finished I walked up to Mr.borch and handed in my answer sheet
Mr.borch with a proud and expected look says
Mr.borch- ah you're first as always tell me what do you want to do around here?.
Confused and troubled I answer
- wait I can choose?
Mr.borch still holding the same expression replies.
Mr.borch- yeah the test it's a literal joke so choose anything you want.
- well in that case medical assistant Mr!
Mr.borch delighted cheka a few boxes on his clipboard and he says
Mr.borch- here and here alright you're free to leave enjoy you're future as the vaults future doctor.
With that I make my way out of the classroom and head to my room for a good nap.

One Life To Live: The monster of the vault Reader X Fallout 3Where stories live. Discover now