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July 13 2258
Catherine was seen inside vaults 111 infirmary, rubbing her pregnant belly while holding tightly the hand of her husband. Both are drenched in cold sweat due to the situation.
Finally at the infirmary the procedure can begin.

Catherine was able to give birth to a healthy and strong child. It's few strands of hair covered in blood and other bodily fluids. But suddenly Catherine started losing blood rapidly. The doctors rushed to help her but they were unable to do so.
In her final moments she requested to hold her child for the first and last time. After mere seconds Catherine passed away with her recently born child and her husband in her embrace.

The child was then taken by its father to be cleaned and further examined.The reason?. During the entire procedure the infant didn't cry once. Something was wrong and he could feel it. But he had to wait. the emotional damage due to the spikes in happiness and loss took a toll on him. His thoughts were unclear, he's body weary, he was in no condition to act for now he should rest.


A surprise birthday party was to be held for James child the idea came from their own best friend amata. he finally turned 10 years old. Despite the circumstances he had a normal childhood. Finally their steps could be heard from the corridors James closed the light and along with the rest he waited for the surprise. After a brief moment the door slid upwards he flickered the light switch and along with others shouted happy birthday for he's child. Of course the child was delighted every one they knew was there to celebrate their life. the small chatter started to spread through the room as the various people started to wish a happy birthday . Everything was great he was talking to his friend, he was given a sweet roll from old lady palmer. Until a kid by the name of buch demanded he's sweet roll. James started to give a bit more focus to the situation. And he saw the same thing in his own offspring eyes he saw at his birth. A sudden shift from joy to a cold stare. James of course was shaken. Throughout the years he conducted many tests to ensure his child's wellbeing and no flaw either biological or psychological was found. It was  something else completely outside his control.

The situation got worse when he answered to the bully's demands
-  Why? Did your mother use all your food stamps on alcohol?.
His tone was not mockery but insulting. He was taunting him.
Alas the now furious delinquent attempted to punch him. But something unexpected happened before he was able to reach his face buch suddenly lowered his posture and started clutching his stomach .
He struck before he even attempted to punch him!. The child was giving he's a now defeated assailant a cold stare, no words escaping his lips.
After the brief beginning and end of their altercation officer Gomez arrived at the scene pulled bucht away. While James grabbed and started to talk to his child.
- hey champ what happened is everything alright ?!.
James tone had worry but mostly for the other kid. But he had as a parent to confront his child about Bullying.
His child returning to his usual childish attitude replied
- he tried to take my sweet roll !
James with a bit more relief to his son's character return. Replied
-  listen buddy I know I have told you about not letting others step over you, but how about you tone it down a little, you don't want to hurt anyone.
His child with a similar expression to his father replied
- ok dad I will
James - ok buddy I have little surprise for you, come with me
The child perked up at the sound of a surprise.
The child, trying as much as possible to contain his excitement eagerly followed his father.

Until finally they reached their destination. Where James assistant tries to stop the young child from advancing. The young one guessing that he is part of the plan is not fooled.
- you can't fool me
Assistant - alright little man you got me go on ahead.
With that the assistant opens the previously locked to reveal a homade shooting range but just before he is about to enter, his father hands a bb gun along with some to test everything out.
Finally the young lad unable to contain himself  started firing his "gun" at the makeshift targets. After a little readjustments and getting used to the "weapon" they were able to pull back to back shots with some hitting the centre. Untill a radroach made it's way into the firing range.
James with no worie exclaimed
- don't be scared of the radroach, why don't you try using the bb gun on it.
The child now granted permission from he's father, shoot the insect two times the bb's making impact with the insects main body. Killed it with no trouble. Alas the assistant asked the child to come closer so he can take a good photo of them and their father. And so with the press of the button and a flash, the picture was taken.

( Hi everyone I kinda returned to this site. Sorry for disappearing for how finals will do that to a student but I'm back I will give more chapters in the future one per day is my plan but we will see . Have a nice day )

One Life To Live: The monster of the vault Reader X Fallout 3Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin