The Long Lost Sisters

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"you choose the wrong people to harm"

"you are my sister no matter what"

"you are my sister no matter what"

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" I love you thats all "

"You dare harm my sister , i will show you what heaven looks like"

It was bright morning in the Arora mansion , with a lots of hustle bustle and why not the heart of Aroras MS ESHA ARORA is finally coming back after five years not only completing her graduation in finance but also toping the London School of Economics, this surely deserves a celebration. Esha Arora , the second daughter of Veer and Dhwani Arora, as her name suggest she is full of life , full of energy all the time and an ardent book lover . She is the joy of life of Aroras and it will be fair to say that the Arora love her to the moon and back except one maybe Evara Arora , the daughter of Dhwani Arora and her first husband late Mahir Shergill .

Evara was 5 year old when Dhwani remarried Veer and from then Evara Shergill became the Evara Arora the eldest daughter of Aroras . Veer never treated Evara as his stepdaughter and same goes to Evara she loved Veer as her real father but then enter in her life her little sister or to be precise stepsister Esha Arora and at that point Evara felt all her attention and love going away from her , she felt alone in room full of people , she felt like she don't belong here and she hated that feeling , she hated being sidelined by the people she loved and from that moment she decided that she will do everything to get her parents attention towards her to hear from them how proud they are of having her as their daughter. She studied hard , came first in class , win trophies in school competition , topped her college and when she just 22 year old she decided that she don't want to inherit the empire of Aroras and want to prove her worth she decided to open her own event management company " INAYAT" and in just 5 years with her hardwork and dedication she made her company one of the best company of the country with a estimating net worth of $5 million. She is the pride of Aroras someone who is strong yet so sensitive , so cold yet so sweet , people who known her call her a perfect mixture of hot and sweet but the question is does anyone really known her and the answer is no one except Abhimanyu Shergill , the son of her late father's elder brother MR. Yuvraaj Shergill , a great business tycoon and old friend Aroras. Abhi is Eva's one and only friend in short he is the comfort place Eva needs he understand the pain behind her smile and the unshed tear of her eyes , being cousins has its own perk for sure .

Evara and Esha they don't hate each others , they are just jealous of what the other one have . For Esha her goal was to be just better than Evara , she used to hate when people used to praise Evara and look toward her like she was some consultation price , they used to compare her and Evara on everything whether looks , body language , manner, personality , academics everything and Esha just hate it . She wanted to love her sister but the talks and taunts of people never let her do this and hence she did whatever she could whether applying different kind of skin product to make her beautiful like Evara or taking manner classes for girls so she can also walk and talk with elegance just like sister do or whether studying day and night to get good grades . She did it all just for the approval of her family and the society that she is too lovable and not any consultation price .
And for Evara she hated when people use to look at her with pity in their eyes , the pity of not being the real blood of Aroras and look at Esha with a sense of acceptance like she is the one who belong here not her and why just because she is not the real blood of Aroras but this does not mean they don't love each other , they do more than you can think but they just don't show it but their action does , whether its Evara hiring some people to keep eye on Esha for various safety reason so that no one can harm her , Aroras have a lot of enemy too or whether its Esha always giving it back to people who call her sister by different names and taunt for being stepdaughter of Veer . Its just that their ego comes between them that stop them to show their love to each other.




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