Chapter 9- Ice-Breaking Session (1)

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Azmi's POV:

What a lovely day is today..the mood is cheerful and happy. Even the birds are singing happily with a harmonious tune. I am really grateful of what Allah gave me..Oxygen to breathe in, extraordinary view to enjoy and..A friend to talk to. I really love it.

"Assalamualaikum Azmi!" My buddy, Khairul greeted me as I walk in.


I go to my table to put my things. I look at the seat on the second row, Ihtirah's desk.

She hasn't arrive yet..I look at the clock,'6.50'

She is not usually this late..she usually arrives early than me. What happen to her this time?

Knock knock knock

I turn around..there she is..standing at the door frame,I smile at her sight. Her smile will always make me smile

The thing is,she is not smiling today..something is bothering her. She goes to her seat and put her head on the table.

What is wrong with her? Is she hurt? Does she need anything? Is her head aching? Ya Allah,why am I worrying too much? Why am I worrying about her too much?

"Okay, should go to her. Ask what she needs. " My mind spoke to me.

"But what if she doesn't want me to be there?" I thought.

"Just think positive."

I sigh. Fine my mind, I'll go to her. This better be good. Without any hesitation,I walk up to her. Before that,I knock her desk thrice.

She looks up,"oh,'s you." She straightens her back and yawns. I smile at the unusual sight of her. Wait? What?

I shake off the thoughts,"umm..a..are you o..okay?" I asked sheepishly.

She smiles. Ya Allah.

"Yes,I'm fine..just tired. Thank you for asking. You?" She asked back at me.

"You don't need to worry about me. It's you who I'm worrying about right now." I replied her softly.

She looks away,"I'm fine..don't worry about me too much. You might cut your hand when slicing the onions at home. " She said. A tinge of red is appearing on both of her cheeks.

I bit my lip to prevent me from smiling. She is blushing.

"Okay,enough of that,mate. Tell me,what's in your mind?" She said to me,laughing.

I take a nearby chair and sit Infront of her. Once again,not too close.

"I told you. I'm worried about you. This is not the usual of you. Usually, you would smile. But,what happen today? Your smile wiped off from your face earlier." I stated.

She sighs,while fixing her scarf. "Okay. I'll tell you why. " She looks at me. "Today, I've got Ice-Breaking session with the Prefects. And..I'm scared that I
will mess up. That..I would not fit with them." She said,closing her eyes. Then she face-palms her herself.

My lips forms a thin line. Why is she like this when she is already beautiful..nice and kind. I believe in her that she will do great. So I decided to tell her softly.

"Hey.." I soothed. "You are not bad. You are special in your own way and you are enough. You don't need to change yourself for somebody else. Be yourself."

She looks at me once again. Her eyes were full of fear and anxiety when she arrived earlier, but, when it look up at me, those fear and anxiety melts away..replace by relief, I totally lose myself in those eyes. Her chocolate-hazel eyes. We are locking eyes with each other for a while.

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