Chapter 7: Good news

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Ihtirah's POV:

My head was throbbing when I woke up this morning. I don't know head was really about to explode. But,I didn't mind it and prepared myself to go to school. My father sent me to school earlier and now,I'm walking weakly to my class. I didn't tell my father about my head because I didn't want him to worry about me.

You know,being in a huge school is really hard. The way to my class is really far. I would use a bicycle if the principal say we can use it. I open the door then let myself in. I abruptly go to my seat to rest my still-throbbing head on the cold table. Maybe that would lessen the pain. The coldness.

Yes. The coldness. Ever since the 'incident' yesterday,I haven't talk to Malissa yet. The things that Ardiera told me;how she betrayed her and her father made my blood boiled. I'm still thinking whether to forgive her or not. I saw everything..she accidentally pushed Ardiera yesterday due to her hatred to her. That was not acceptable. She must not treat her like that.

There's something between us..Me and Malissa...Like a huge ice is preventing us from seeing each other; yesterday, I completely ignored her and she even sat far from me. Do I care? Of course not! Why would I care for someone like her?

Sighing,I bring my fingers to massage my head. Please,not today..I'm busy today..

A knock on the door make me look up. It was Azmi. I sigh and lean my head on my table once again.

"Assalamualaikum. Hey,are you okay?" He goes to me,after he put his bag on his chair. Not too close of course.

"Waalaikumsalam,I'm fine." I mumbled. He frowns,"no, you're not. I can see it through your face. You are holding back your pain. Don't hold it back." He said,soothingly.

I close my eyes,"why is it always you who would understand me? Why not anybody else?"

He chuckles,"because I'm your first friend." He simply stated and I laugh.

"Right. You are the first person to greet me when I entered this school." I said,now facing him.

"Do you need anything? I have FreshCare oil if you want." Azmi offered.

"Yeah,that would be nice,thank you." I accepted his offer and he takes out the FreshCare bottle from his pocket then put it on my desk with a small thud.

I take the bottle and open the lid. I apply it some to my index finger and massage my forehead.

"Feeling better?" He asked.

"Much. Thanks a lot, Azmi. I appreciate it." I smiled at him and he smiles at back at me.

"Don't worry,I've got your back." I smile at his words. Azmi has been a really good friend to me since the day I entered this school. He helped me a lot.

He snaps his fingers,"is something wrong between you and Malissa?" Azmi suddenly asked, his chocolate eyes fixed on me intensely,as if asking me not to lie to him.

I clear my throat,"No. There's nothing wrong between us." I replied him.

He squints his chocolate eyes at me,"really?"

I nod,"yeah."

He nods his head,"alright. I believe you. But,if she hurt you in any way,don't hesitate to call for my help."

Wouldn't it be better if all the boys in the whole universe have the same attitude as yours?

I smile,"I will not forget that."

"Alright. I'll leave you here for you to rest. I'm going to take our breakfast. " Azmi announced and I mutter a small 'okay' under my breath.

Azmi goes out to take our breakfast. Hopefully we'll get burger for breakfast. I'm hungry. I rub my stomach as it rumbles.

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