Chapter 33: Untamable

Start from the beginning

M'Venaas' ear flicks with unnerving perception towards seemingly nothing, a subtle movement that reminds Reela of the uncanny senses of both Tus'Felnis and werewolves. The woman heard something that neither Reela nor Cree can pick up on.

With a snicker, M'Venaas takes another step forward. Her gaze momentarily flickers to Reela, an unsettling glimmer of amusement dancing in her eyes before her arrogant glare locks on Cree.

In an act of surprising swiftness, she extends her hand outwards, summoning a surge of sapphire blue light that engulfs her figure. When the magic clears, she's gone.

Reela and Cree freeze where they are, their eyes frantically scanning the room for any trace of M'Venaas. The air crackles with anticipation and magic that sets Reela's senses on fire. Her gaze darts around the room, scanning every corner and shadow.

And then, out of the corner of her eye, Reela catches a flicker of movement behind Cree. Her breath catches in her throat, and her eyes widen in horror. A flash of blue magic crosses her sight.

Without a second thought, Reela lunges forward, her instincts screaming at her to protect her father. She reaches out, grasping his arm and yanking him back just as a blade swings past, grazing the air where he stood moments before.

Cree's instincts kick in as he swiftly draws his knives. With a quick turn, he positions himself to intercept M'Venaas' next strike, using his metal arm as a shield to defend against her hit.

The clash reverberates through the air, the sound of metal meeting metal echoing like thunder through the keep. The force of M'Venaas' strike sends Cree stumbling backward, creating a temporary gap between him and Reela. In that fleeting moment, Reela's protective instinct only heightens.

With a surge of adrenaline, Reela lunges forward, stretching out her hand to grab M'Venaas and pull her away from Cree. But before she can reach her, M'Venaas seizes Cree's arm with an iron grip. In an instant, a cloud of blue light engulfs them, and they vanish, leaving Reela behind, her outstretched hand gripping nothing but empty air.

Did M'Venaas just steal her dad?

Shock and disbelief wash over Reela's face as she watches her father disappear before her eyes, but the echo of metal once again hitting metal from across the vast hall catches her attention. She snaps her frenzied gaze towards the sound to see as M'Venaas and Cree reappear near the throne in a lock with the Tus'Felnis' blade against Cree's metal arm.

Reela's gaze narrows, her determination flaring up within her. She watches Cree as he shoves M'Venaas back, regaining his footing and preparing himself for the next strike. M'Venaas studies him with a twisted smirk on her face.

The Tus'Felnis darts around, attempting to throw Cree off balance, while he anticipates her every maneuver. The clash of blades and the sound of their footwork echo through the massive hall.

"Be careful, Dad! She's a werewolf!" Reela's voice sounds through the hall, filled with urgency and concern as she starts sprinting towards the fight.

Cree's eyes widen in confusion at Reela's warning, momentarily distracted as he looks back at her. "She's a what?" he shouts back, his voice laced with disbelief. But before he can fully grasp what the fuck his daughter just said, M'Venaas seizes the opportunity, redirecting his attention with a forceful punch to his face.

The impact causes him to stagger backward once more. Blood trickles from his split lip that seems to annoy him more than it hurts. Gripping his knives tighter, he braces himself to resume the fight.

Reela finally reaches the fight, her daggers gripped tightly in her hands. She wastes no time, swiftly launching herself into the fray, her focus set on M'Venaas. With a swift strike, she lunges at the Tus'Felnis, hoping to catch her off guard while her focus is still on Cree.

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