Chapter 4: Animal

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After Todo returned to the foyer of the keep to wait with Corb, blouse boy led Reela down another long hallway that ends with a spiral staircase made of stone that leads down into the mountain. He let her go first but stayed following close behind as they descended further into the earth.

Reela has learned to not let her guard down in situations like these. She'd be an idiot to take everything the council said at face value. They don't like or trust Regan simply because he's only half Adaliaen. The people of Letroseli are somehow more narrow-minded than the people of Utopia. Granted, humans did force the Adaliaens out of Aramora which warrants a level of spitefulness, but after a certain point, doesn't it start to feel petty?

Regan is a descendant of Ophelia Dev'mar Angevell; a woman who was called 'The Queen' by the Adaliaen people, and after Regan disbanded the Imperium ten years ago and started to establish something of a 'new-world order,' rumors have floated around that some may consider him 'King.' Regan has been quick to put down these rumors as soon as they come up, but they always find a way to resurface sooner or later.

What if these rumors offended the Letroseli council? That could've made them complicit in Regan's disappearance, whether with Varagores' involvement or not. They did all seem very touchy about the idea of being accused of working with Varagores, maybe there's a reason.

Or maybe she's just being paranoid. But Cree taught her it's better to be paranoid and alive rather than careless and dead. She won't be letting her guard down for a single moment while she's alone. Once she gets back to Corb and Todo, she may let herself relax a bit. But right now, she only has herself to rely on.

"Damn. I see how much I'm valued," says Toya in her mind. The fox must have woken from her nap just to tell her that. Reela honestly almost forgot she was in her bag as cocksure as the fox is, she's actually pretty quiet. She keeps her mouth shut and simply keeps her focus forward, since she doubts talking to seemingly nothing would do her any favors right now. It's still really weird how Toya can apparently read her thoughts.

Reela keeps her attention sharp as she reaches the bottom of the long spiral staircase to enter the dungeon hall, which is lined with flickering torch sconces and prison cells. More armored guards stand lining the hall, stationed like statues in front of each cell door.

As they enter the hall, blouse boy returns to the front of her to nod to a guard that approaches them. "The council has permitted Lady Reela to speak with the accused spy," he tells the guard, who nods stiffly.

"Very well. I will take over from here," the guard states. Blouse boy bows his head before turning and beginning to ascend the spiral staircase once again. Reela watches him leave with narrowed eyes, noting how quick he was to leave. Is he afraid of something down here? Or is it her that he's running from?

"This way, Lady Reela," the guard asserts which reels her focus back to the moment. She turns to face him and silently nods. The guard wordlessly turns and starts heading deeper into the dungeon and Reela follows, closely but with enough distance that she feels comfortable looking around.

But as she does, she sees that in the cells are people who watch her with disdain. Some with predatory leers. They all look battered and thin. The longer she looks at them, the more she fears their glares might be of hunger. That they wouldn't hesitate to eat another person if only to stave off starvation.

But then she realizes that almost all of them have pointed ears, but variously colored hair. Half-Adaliaens. There are a few Tus'Felnis and a couple of humans. She thinks she recalls seeing a centaur back a couple cells. But the majority are people just like Regan.

She momentarily fears that he could be down here, but if he is, then at least she would find him. She'd kill everyone who tried to stop her from saving him and then bolt for the door with her dad on her back if need be.

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