3 Promises You'll Forget to Keep

Start from the beginning

She remembers the tail end of that conversation, "Yeah! It means you probably are- let me pull up this article..."

Something stands out in the bright haze, a figure- a shadow at the foot of her bed. Carmen blinks, a yelp rids itself from her throat.

The thief restlessly shuffles to sit up, backing to the end of her bed and flicking on her bedside lamb.

That's when the light hits her team member, and he's absorbed with colour.

Carmen sighs and lets out a laugh, "Shadowsan, you scared me." She says, standing and reaching for her phone that his eyes delicately trace.

"Is something wrong?" She asks causally, grabbing the device and putting it in her back pocket.

She looks up and he hasn't moved, he's breathing heavily.

She tilts her head and his eyes follow hers, she frowns, a newfound tension zaps in her fingertips.


Carmen's gaze shoots over to the window when another strike of the storm ricochets through her ears. She groans, sliding over her bed to close the glass. Immediately the rain is muffled and Shadowsan's presence somehow grows in volume.

"You want some tea?" The Argentinian offers, breezing past him when the ninja curtly opens the door.

"I probably owe you." He hums in agreement, following her in a trek down the stairs. The rain is louder downstairs, Carmen glanced to the windows at fault but does not close them.

She fills the kettle with water and puts it back in its place, pressing a button and setting a timer.

"So, why are you up?"

A pause. Carmen squints, "Don't feel like talking?"

"I do not."

Carmen moves to the dishwasher, putting away 6 bowls, 5 knives, 8 spoons, and 7 forks without help.

"Are you okay?" There's 4 knives on the rack.


Carmen's phone buzzes, she lifts it from her pocket and moves to swipe the screen... she never gets to.

"Hey!" The woman cries, watching the block of technology slide across the floor. She looks at Shadowsan for an apology and explanation but...

There's something in his eyes, something red and burning like a fire-

It flickers off... and like being set free from a program Shadowsan's face ignites in fury. Carmen gasps and he growls at her, revealing a kitchen knife previously concealed by his back. He slices the air for her head but she ducks, landing pointedly to her feet before launching away from the second strike.

The thief retreats to the couch, eyes wide, "Shadowsan?!"

Her phone has gone dark, both opponents stare at the device struck near the coffee table between them.

Shadowsan pays it no mind, instead lurching from his place for her, bloodlust in his angered yell. Frazzled, Carmen darts forward and rolls, holding her phone like a lifeline until it rings again.

"Red!" Player cries, "Are you-,"

Carmen's eyes narrow fearfully, suddenly widening when Shadowsan has disappeared. She wants so desperately to comfort him, knowing it was a nightmare but-

"No, Player, something's wrong with- GAH!"

The phone flies from her hand, Shadowsan has swooped down to land a deafening kick to her stomach. Carmen flies back into a beam outside the kitchen, the house shakes and a bolt of lightning explodes close to the warehouse.

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