When Dreams Are Fulfilled

Start from the beginning

Serena put the Lilac back down on a shelf next to her and took the box. She unwrapped the ribbon and opened the box. When she saw it her mouth opened in awe. She reached her hand in the box and brought the gift that was inside out of the box. It was a sliver necklace, a diamond placed in the side of it. It sparkled in the light as it turned back and forth.

"Look on the back." Ash waited patiently.

Serena turned it around and there was a small text written into it. She read it aloud, "Don't give up until the very end." She looked back up at Ash and asked, "Ash, how did you pay for this?" Serena looked at it and placed it into her palm.

"Never mind that, do you know where that blue ribbon I gave you is?" Ash smiled.

Serena reached into her jacket and brought it out.

"Can I see the necklace and the ribbon." Ash asked.

"Sure." Serena handed the 2 items to Ash and watch him as he placed the necklace onto his palm and taking the ribbon, sliding through the gap in the necklace and tying the blue ribbon into a bow, wrapping it around the side of the heart.

Ash tugged on the ribbon, making sure it's secure and showed it to Serena. "There."

Serena looked at it. She smiled. Now she could wear the ribbon and wear the necklace that Ash have her. She jumped up and hugged Ash.

Ash stumbled back, but caught his balance and hugged her back.

"Thanks so much Ash." Serena release him.

"Hey wait, you don't even know if you like it or not, you haven't even tried it on." Ash laughed.

"I don't need to try it on Ash, I know I love it." Serena smiled.

"Well at least let me put it on you." Ash walked over behind Serena.

Serena moved her hair out of the way as Ash put the necklace over her head and placed it around her neck.

He attached the back of the necklace and walked around in front of her to see it. "It looks good on you." Ash smiled.

Serena blushed and then ran out of the room.

"Hey, where are you going?" Ash ran after her.

"I'm going to put the flowers into a vase." Serena ran into the kitchen, passing Clemont and went into one of the cabinets under the sink and grabbed a vase. She turned on the sink and placed the vase under it, filling it with water. Once she was done, she turned off the sink and ran back to her room. She set the vase next next to her bed and went back to the shelf and grabbed the flowers. She carefully placed them into the vase and backed up to look at them. She smiled and walked back over to Ash.

"It looks good there." Ash examined the flowers.

"I think so too, now come one, I think Clemont is done with breakfast." Serena ran out the door.

"Hey! Stop running off!" Ash ran after her, leaving the Lilac there in the room.


"Man! That was best thing I have ever eaten in my entire life." Ash placed his hand on top of his stomach.

"Thanks Ash." Clement said as he ate his eggs.

"Anyway, I've got to go." Ash stood up from his chair.

"Where?" Bonnie asked.

"I got to go to the Pokemon center and tell my mom that I'm staying here in Kalos." Ash walked over to the hanger and grabbed his jacket and hat. "Serena will you come with me?" Ash asked,, he voice uneven as if I've was regretting asking was soonas he started the sentence.

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