Dreams Don't End

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After walking back home, they saw that Bonnie was on the couch, watching a t.v. show that they've never heard of, but Bonnie seemed to like it. Dedenne sat next to her and put its hands up in the air, it's whiskers creating static as it jumped up.

Serena and Ash smiled and started to walked towards the kitchen, but before they could reach it Bonnie turned around from the couch and asked, "So did you guys do anything romantic while I was gone? Like making out with each other or anything like that?"

Serena froze and felt her whole body heat up from embarrassment.

Ash almost choked. Practically almost falling down on the wooden tile floor.

Bonnie laughed and turned back around and immediately went back to watching the t.v. show.

Serena and Ash walked into the kitchen after trying to forget what Bonnie said.

It was silent in the kitchen after that. Ash's thoughts wondered. He wanted to stop the silence, but he felt like that would just make matters worse.

Serena felt like she was still blushing. She tried to hide her face in her hair, hoping that Ash wouldn't see.

"Um, Serena?"

Serena looked back up and saw that Ash was digging into his pockets.

"One sec." Ash murmured.

Serena watched Ash bring his hand out of the pocket and bring out a deep blue, silk, ribbon. One of the ends seemed o be torn off, only about 4 inches of it left of it.

Ash put the ribbon out in front of him to show Serena and said, "I know that it's torn up and everything so I understand you you don't want it-"

"Ash, of course I want it." Serena wore a smile on her face that made Ash overflow with happiness.

Serena took it and looked at it. It still reflected the lights on the ceiling as she moved it around. She smiled as she admired it.

Ash smiled too as he watched her look at it and smile.


Everyone went to bed after it reached 9:00 o'clock. Everyone was exhausted. But for some reason Serena and Ash couldn't fall asleep.

Serena pushed the covers off of her and walked out of her bedroom. She put on her pink jacket, after that her jeans, and then her sneakers. She headed for the front door and opened it. She walked outside and walked down from the porch. She headed off toward the street, but stopped. She saw a figure walking down the sidewalk.


Ash turned around and looked over at her. "Oh, hey Serena."

"What are you doing out here?"

"I don't know, I couldn't get any sleep so I decided to take a walk."

"Oh... can I come with?" Serena walked over.

"Sure." Ash smiled.

Serena loved his smile. It made her feel safe and comfortable around him.

They walked around the neighborhood, passing houses until they came across the park.

Ash walked into it and sat on a bench, Serena took a seat next to him.

"So, where are you going to live?" Serena asked.

"What do you mean?" Ash looked at her.

"I mean where are you going to live, like moving into a house, silly." Serena laughed.

"Oh, I don't know I think I'll just move into an apartment for now." Ash looked up at the stars.

"Then what are you going to do? I mean all of your dreams are fulfilled now right?" Serena asked.

"Not all of them." Ash continued to look up at the sky.

"But I thought your dream was becoming a Pokemon Master."

"Everyone has dreams, once you fulfill them you find that another one replaces it. There is no end to your dreams, Serena." Ash looked back down at the park, the lights on the sidewalk gave off a yellow glow, creating a circle of light, in a pattern along the sidewalk.

Serena yawned and said, "You're not going to stop going after your dream though, are you?"

"Of course not." Ash smiled.

He felt something lay down on his shoulder. He looked at his side and saw that Serena was sound asleep, resting her head on his shoulder. "She looks so cute while she sleeps." He thought.

His chest have out a warm waves, sending throughout his body. He felt so comfortable around her. He smiled and sat there, letting her rest on his shoulder. He looked back up at the stars and the moon. The sky really did amaze him. To think that all of those stars are all far away, it's light so bright that it could be seen down on Earth. And the moon. The moon looked so calm. It light up the park in a blue fluorescent light, just like when they got stuck in that cave and Serena was up in the middle of the night, looking out of the cave. The night before she got ran off and got kidnapped. It was so long ago and now he was back here. Back with Serena. She was still here too. He still wondered how she was brought back, alive, but he didn't care. All he cared about was that she was alive and was still here with him. He thought of if Serena wasn't here at all. He would never get the confidence to defeat the first gym leader, his whole journey would be over in an instant, but she came and brought him a reminder that he didn't give up. "The girl with the straw hat" saved him from giving up.

He looked back down at Serena and gently stood up from the bench and grabbed her shoulders, laying her down. Once he did that he picked her up in his arms. She was so light. He walked back over to Serena's house and walked in slowly, making sure not to wake up anyone. He made sure that he tip toed to her bedroom, hoping his sneakers wouldn't making any sounds against the tile floor.

He opened Serena's bedroom door and slowly walked in. It was pitch black, so he could barely see. He pushed the door open, letting in the light from the hallway. He motioned towards the bed and slowly lowered his arms, lowering Serena into her bed. When he finally touched the bed, he let go of Serena. Ash then grabbed her covers and placed them on top of her, tucking her in. He smiled as we watched Serena softly inhale and exhale. "She looks she peaceful." He smiled.

He walked out of the room and closed the door behind him. He tip toed back to his bed and went to sleep, smiling.

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