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After everyone got reunited again, Officer Jenny arrived at the scene, backups came with her and arrested Lysandre for his crimes. There was police cars scattered everywhere around the cocoon, placed in the middle of the forest. People examined the rocky terrain that Zygarde made and seemed to be in awe that a Pokemon made it.

"How did Officer Jenny know where we were?" Ash asked.

"Oh, I told Nurse Joy and I asked her to call Officer Jenny. I also told them that we were in the forest near the mountains. I guess they spotted the cocoon right away and found us." Clemont rubbed his back.

"Oh, that's right! How's Calem?" Serena asked.

"He only had a minor concussion." Clemont responded.

Serena exhaled and said, "That's a relief."

"Hey Serena, you're going to buy me that ice cream cone right?" Bonnie asked.

"Of course I will!" Serena smiled.

Bonnie smiled back and started to run ahead of them.


Everyone turned around and saw Officer Jenny standing in front of her car.

"if you guys want a ride back to Coumarine City, I can gladly take you back and you also look like you could get some help." Officer Jenny pointed at Ash, still covered in blood and glass still poking out of the back of him.

"That would be gladly appreciated!" Ash sweatdropped.

Clemont jumped in the right back seat of the car.

Ash trailed behind him and sat in the middle back seat.

Serena was last and said, "Thank you." to Officer Jenny and took the left side of the back seats.

Bonnie sat in the front seat and looked back on everyone, time to time. She didn't say anything but she mostly checked to see if Ash and Serena were kissing or anything like that.

But in reality they didn't do that, instead Serena looked out the window and daydreamed about her actually being alive. She thought of a the things she wanted to do now.


After about 45 minutes of driving, they reached Coumarine City hospital. After about 20 minutes of waiting, Ash was treated and when he came back out, you could see that his the palms of his hands was wrapped in bandages and his left arm as well.

Ash was released from the hospital, saying that he was fully capable of being able to stay out of the hospital with no further treatments.

Officer Jenny then drove them closer towards the city and dropped them off. It was becoming dark now. They said their goodbyes to Officer Jenny and started to walk back towards Serena's house. Along the way Serena spotted an ice cream shop.

"So, what flavor do you want?" Serena asked.

"Chocolate chip!" Bonnie jumped up and down.

Serena turned around to Ash and Clemont and asked, "Do you guys want anything?"

"Well..." Ash's stomach rumbled. He forgot hat he hasn't eaten all for a whole day. "Can I get a chocolate chip cone too?" Ash sweatdropped.

"I'll just have vanilla." Clemont smiled.

Serena turned around to the cashier and said, "Two chocolate chips, one vanilla, and one strawberry ice cream cone please."

After about a minute, everyone had their ice cream and started to eat it.

"It's so good!" Bonnie exclaimed, her whole face covered in chocolate.

"We can do this every Saturday if you want." Serena looked at Bonnie as she ate her strawberry ice cream cone.

"Really!? Man I'm so glad we're back together!" Bonnie put her hands up in the air.

Clemont smiled down on his little sister, Ash eating his ice cream and sharing it with Pikachu and Serena giggling.

"So, Ash, now that Lysandre is over with what are you going to do now?" Bonnie asked.

"Uh, well I was thinking of staying here." Ash looked up at the sunset.

"What?" Serena looked over at him.

"Yeah, I think it might be time to move out of my Mom's house." He laughed. "I really like it here and my best friends are here too. I just hope that my mom will be alright with it."

"She'll be okay with it, I'm sure." Clemont ate the rest of his ice cream cone and smiled.

"Are you sure it isn't because Serena's here and you want to stay with her?" Bonnie smirked.

Ash blushed and pushed the tip of his hat down to hide his face.

Serena blushed bright pink and started to walk faster.

"Bonnie! Stop it!" Clemont scolded his little sister again.

"Oh come on, you know they like each other." Bonnie's smile seemed to continue off her face.

"It doesn't mean you get to make fun of them for it!"

"What?" Bonnie's smile disappeared, her eyes starring up at Clemont and said, " I'm not making fun of it! I think it's cute, like the way I ship you and Korrina."

Clemont's whole face turned red and Dedenne slipped down into Bonnie's pouch and hid.

"That's enough!" The Aipom arm shot out of Clemont's backpack and grabbed Bonnie's collar and dragged her along back to Serena's home.

"Hey, you know, you guys blush too much!" Bonnie yelled back as her brother ran away from them.

"You know i think that's the fastest I have ever seen Clemont run in my entire life. Even if he was being attacked by a Pokemon he wouldn't run that fast." Ash laughed.

"I guess you're right." Serena smiled.

Ash looked at her, the sun has gone down now and the moon made shadows of them as they walked.

He smiled and thought, "She looks so beautiful."

As they walked they passed by a flower shop and Serena stopped to look at them. She read the descriptions out loud and soon came across the Lilac. It was a bright purple and was sitting along the other flowers.

It read,

"This natural wonder holds all the excitement and promise of first love."

After she read it, Ash and Serena could see their reflection in the window. Their hands almost touching, the lilac in between there faces. Serena blushed and said, "It's getting dark I think we should go."

Ash blushed too and nodded his head in agreement. "Yeah I think you're right."

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