The Devil that seeks an Angel

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Ryuen's Kakeru's Soliloquy:

On that day when I killed that snake I could see it, the fear in its eyes as I smashed it to bits was the same fear I saw in everyone around me who saw what I did, they all looked at me as the devil who roamed amongst humans.

Fear is the only language human beings understand because fear is the one thing that leads to total obedience without any chance of betrayal. After that day I used that weapon as my shield to protect myself from ever being betrayed because I knew trusting someone is the same thing as relying on them which is a mistake I will never make. I prefer to forge my own path without the help of anyone around me, I will use anyone that walks my path in order to get what I want.

Ever since that day all people have done is fear me which forced them to bow down to me and admit their inferiority. No one stands against pure evil as they know good cannot consume evil like the night consumes the light. It's a part of life that is never changing that is why throughout history evil has always rooted itself amongst the most powerful men because you can not reach the top without causing destruction and chaos. Your strength is how you are ranked in the world and I intend to rule from the top.

All of this is what I believed in since I was a kid but ever since I entered this school my views have begun to change as I have met people that challenge both my strength and my authority that I possessed since childhood. I even met someone who doesn't view me as the devil himself but rather as just a regular student who is in the same year as her. She's foolish but I like that part about her, unlike the others she isn't afraid of being around me or anyone for that matter as she views all of the people in this school as equals. Also I don't think she realizes just how hot she is which is a bonus since girl's who know that they are something are a pain in my ass.

The people in this school don't realize the actual devil that resides amongst them. I must admit he has hidden himself rather well amongst the defective dimwits that are in his class so naturally no one would suspect him as being anything more than what he shows them but I know you, the real you Ayanokoji and I promise you that I will destroy everything close to you, starting with her.

Ryuen's Pov:

I can't believe a shitty exam like this is even real, who thinks of these special exams I would really like to know so I can give that person a piece of my mind. I was in my class as our teacher announced this 'marriage exam' which everyone found incredibly ridiculous myself included but like all the other ones we had no choice but to play along with the school. At least my partner should be a good looking woman otherwise I can't deal with being around an ugly bitch for the remainder of my school year.

After classes ended I went to the bulletin board to check my partner.

"Kuku this is interesting to say the least isn't it Suzune?"

"Out of everyone in this whole school why did I have to be the one that was stuck with you Ryuen?" Well it seems like I had the wrong opinion of this exam because this is turning out to be more interesting than I thought. Now I can backtrack from Suzune to him as I know they are close with one another all I have to do is make her spill some information. This shouldn't be too hard considering that we have the rest of the remaining year or about 6 months left.

"So what time should I bring my things over to your place Suzune?"

"Excuse me but who decided that we are staying in my dorm?"

"I did, unless you want to come to my room and look at all the things I keep around just for woman?" I first need to break her guard that she has around me and the best way to do that is to break Horikita Suzune's cold personality by getting close to her. It's a tough task impossible almost but I have confidence that I can pull it off.

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