The New Normal

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The news that Kiyotaka Ayanokoji was going out with Kikyo Kushida was soon wide spread across the school. I suspect this was her way of letting the girls know to back off which worked quite efficiently as not even Horikita wanted to hang out in public to discuss our class matters like we usually did.

My life mostly returned to normal like it was before the exam except that now everywhere I went I was followed by gazes of either disgust or curiosity. Everyone wanted to know how an uninteresting simple guy managed to get a girl like Kushida.

I suppose they were right in their thinking because after all none of them knew Kushida the real Kushida at least, all they see is what she shows them and judging on that would lead anyone to the conclusion about me and her being too different from each other.

I woke up as my alarm was ringing, I turned my head to the side and turned it off. Today was the beginning of a new week, Monday morning. I guess my school life has finally become routine for me and now I feel like I can finally become ordinary like those around me which is a feeling that isn't so bad, those who have ordinary lives always wish for the lives of those that don't and those who have extraordinary lives cherish any sense of normality that they can grasp. I guess all of this is what you call living, we always want what we don't have believing that it is the ultimate thing that would lead to our happiness while we don't realize what it actually means if our desires are fulfilled. I was one of those that wished for an ordinary life but I realize my life can never be fully ordinary because somewhere someone or something out there would always force me to live my life the way it was intended. Even in this school I can't hide amongst the ordinary but just for a little longer I wish I can stay this way.

I got ready for school and looked at the time, it was 15 minutes till I had to arrive there so I guess I can kill some time on my phone before leaving my dorm. I checked my phone and saw that I had a message from Kushida:

"Good morning, Kiyo" I guess that's the nickname she picked out for me and I honestly don't think it's bad better this than something like Kiyopon or anything like that.

"Morning" I replied back to which I instantly received an angry emoji I wonder why?

"Is that how you reply back to your girlfriend? Just morning?" Ah I realized now that my reply must have been too short for her. I better check the internet for how to reply to your girlfriend before she asks me to do it again.

I received another text from her:

"If you check the internet I'll know by your response, now try again this time with more sincerity than before." She sure did get me with that one, now I wonder what would be the best way to respond to her.

"Good morning my love, how are you today I'm already missing you and can't wait to see you soon!" I think this should be sufficient enough to satisfy her, I had asked Ichinose to teach me how to be around Kushida when the news of me and her dating broke out, at first she was a little disappointed but then she decided to fully support me.

"Meet you in the lobby in 5" Kushida texted me back and it seems like I passed her little test.

I came out of my room and took the elevator down to the lobby. The elevator stopped in front of the girls dormitories and in came Horikita.

"Perfect timing as always Ayanokoji, I've been meaning to discuss something with you before we go to school"

"Hm what is it?"

"I feel like we are about to get another special exam soon"

"Yeah, and?"

"And I would like you to help Kushida this time in the exam, she's really stubborn so she won't fully listen to what I have to say but you, she will listen to you"

"I'm not going to help her more than I believe is required because I need her to grow on her own and mold in to the form of class d's leader. If I intervene then I'm only holding back her potential." Kikyo Kushida needs to learn and grow on her own if she wants to compete with the likes of Ryuuen and Sakayanagi.

As we were taking the elevator opened up as we arrived in the lobby. Kushida was there waiting for me with a cheerful smile on her face but it disappeared fast as she saw horikita next to me. I sensed her anger rising again quickly.

"Horikita, I'll talk to you later about all of this maybe over text tonight?"

"Alright sure" Horikita sensed where I was looking and understood what I meant in that regard I'm grateful to have her as an ally, she is really good at reading my thoughts about things like these.

"Well shall we go then" As I met up with Kushida she immediately wanted to start walking again as her mood continued to be sour throughout our walk to school.

I decided that the best way to fix her sour mood would be to take her on a date after school, I heard it's an effective strategy to calm down your girlfriend when she's mad. Currently my brain was on the possibility of a special exam being announced today. It's been two weeks since the island exam ended and I believe we are approaching the end of the month of October so the likelihood of an exam being announced is certainly high.

We arrived in the classroom just on time as Chabashira sensei arrived immediately after we took our seats.

"Alright listen up you incompetent waste of spaces, I will now explain to you the next special exam. The next special exam is between all three years as it is a relay race between each of the four classes in all years and the one class from each year that comes out on top will face each other in the finals where those three classes will compete with each other to win the exam. The rankings are based on each year and if your class makes it through the final then the ranking you achieve there would also be evaluated. Taking first place in your year earns you 200 class points and if you get first place in the finals each of the class members will receive 200,000 private points while the four participating members will receive 500,000 private points each. If you come last in your year then one of class mates will be expelled that was participating in the race that will be determined by their performance in the race. 3rd place will lose 50 class points while second place earns 50 class points. You are to determine the four people that are running for your class by the end of this week you have till Sunday morning to submit the application via your class leader while you will have an increase in the amount of gym classes you take this week in order to prepare the exam. You will be provided with the necessary equipment to prepare for this exam. That will be all, any questions?"

Well this is an interesting exam to say the least, I would like to take part in this relay race myself because there is someone that I want to compete with and see if he's better than me or not,

Horikita Manabu....

Part 12 ends here

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