Conclusion and a new beginning

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"Strength is the only thing that matters in a fight between two people"

"You sure seem confident about your strength Ryuuen but will it be enough? A frog stuck in a well can only see as high and narrow as the well allows it to see, you have never known an equal to your strength I bet but what if I'm someone who's far greater?"

"Huh you greater in strength to me? Ibuki go take care of him for me"

"Don't order me around bastard! But Ayanokoji you give me the creeps so for just being creepy I will beat you up" She came running towards me, she's fast but her kick is one directional, weak and easy to dodge.

"So you're the one who knocked her out? Tell me how did you do it?"

"What do you mean how? You mean how I kicked her so hard that she became unconscious? To answer your question I kicked her at the back of her head to end it in one blow, it wasn't hard if I must say after all she was just a weak girl." Her last comment really pissed me off.

"You're pissing me off." I then block her repeated kicks and threw her forward so she loses her balance and as she was stumbling trying to regain her balance I kicked her at the back of her head in the same manner that she described to me but I put a lot more force into it and blood came out of her mouth as she passed out. Right when she was about to drop to the ground I grabbed her and gently put her to the side.

"So was that how she kicked Kushida, Ryuuen?"

"Cocky son of a bitch! Albert, Ishizaki take care of him right now." 

They both came charging at me while Albert dropped back as Ishizaki threw punches at me and as I dodged to avoid his punch Albert took that chance to close the distance between us and he punched me in the gut with his full force. I dropped down to the ground, this is bad Albert's raw strength is ten times that of an average bodybuilder. I can't take another blow otherwise it might be trouble for me. As I dropped down Ishizaki tried taking that chance to kick me but I dodged his kick and got back up.

"I'll end this in an instance because you both are not the priority." Ishizaki's is up first if I can knock him out then I won't have to deal with him trying to jump in the middle of my fight with Albert like a pest but I need to knock them all out the same way Kushida was by their hands. I must engrave this in Ryuuen's brain so that he won't ever try to touch her again.

I charged forward and blocked Ishizaki's punches then I quickly got behind him and in the same manner that I knocked out Ibuki, Ishizaki also dropped down to the ground but I didn't have time in picking him up as Albert charged at me right away.

I backed out as he tried closing the distance between us and then I dodged Albert's punch as I moved towards the right of his body to perform a roundhouse kick which knocked Albert out along with the others.

"Now Ryuuen your turn."

"This is getting fun come on Ayanokoji let us enough the joy of a fight."

Unlike the others Ryuuen didn't charge at me aimlessly as he monitored my movements before making his move towards me. Ryuuen tried landing three kicks towards me in quick succession but I managed to block two of them and dodged one of them. I then became engaged in hand to hand combat with him, I must admit he was skilled for a fighter who taught himself as his form resembled that of a street fighter but more refined still though he was lacking in proper technique to make up the difference in our abilities.

The longer our fight went on the more tired Ryuuen started getting as his movements started to slow down and I was able to land more hits on him eventually I saw my opening and kicked Ryuuen's leg to make him lose balance and fall to the ground.

Ryuuen tried getting back up but I kicked him in his ribs to make the pain stop his movements. I then got on top of him and started to punch his face but as I started doing that it seemed like we ran out of time as the examination was over.

(The exam has now finished students please return back to the starting line)

"Well I guess we'll pick this up another time Ryuuen" as I said this for the first time I could see a hint of fear mixed in with a sense of the unknown inside Ryuuen.

"Where are you going Ayanokoji, the fight has just begun DONT TURN YOUR BACK ON ME!" I started to walk away from him as I heard him scream like I child who's unable to accept defeat. Before I left I used the same technique I used on Kushida for Ibuki, Ishizaki and Albert.

"All of you get up and go help Ryuuen I don't think he's in the best condition right now." I then left the area to return back to the starting line.

As I approached the starting line I could see Kushida there waiting for me. When she saw me she started running towards me and embraced me in a hug.

"I'm so glad your alright Ayanokoji, I was worried."

"Thank you Kushida by the way how's your head injury?"

"Oh it's all healed now thanks to you I got the proper treatment just in time."

"I'm glad to hear you're alright Kushida I really am" I looked at her for the first time with a new emotion I never felt before. The urge to make her mine and mine alone came over me, I didn't want her out of my sight for even a second and I wanted to spend every second of my time around her. I was pulled in by her ugly side and I wanted to embrace it because that Kushida is the best version of her and after she looked at me she realized what I was thinking.

"I feel the same about your darkness, that other side of you was made for me to embrace and I will because you are the only one in this school that I fully trust. Your darkness belongs to me remember that." As she said this her other side came out and she gave me a smile which most would find twisted but I loved it.

"Kushida, you wanna go out for real this time?"

Part 10 ends here

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