The girl I love

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I went back to the safe zone area where Kushida was attacked by someone as I tried to find traces of their footprint around that place. Sure enough I found a trail that was covered in a lousy manner as the person who did this was clearly in a hurry not to be seen but now they left their footprints behind which I simply have to follow. I started following the trail which lead me to a spot which was surrounded by Class C students and amongst them was their leader Ryuuen. Was it him who did this, no first I have to investigate more I must lure whoever is responsible out in the open by themselves.

I decided to play dumb and hang around the class c area as if I lost my way. As I started to observe the students of class c Ryuuen came over to me.

"Yo suzune's lackey what brings you around here and where is your partner?" He smirked as he said this, so it really is him who hurt her but for now I will continue to act in Ryuuen's play.

"Unfortunately she got hurt by a coward who attacked her when she wasn't looking, honestly pathetic how people tend to take cheap shots at others when they know they can't beat them head on"

"Oh is that right huh, well my condolences to you, now you have to finish this exam all by yourself, if I were you I would just quit now instead of suffering the next six days."

"You know Ryuuen when I find this person who hurt her I will pay them back in kind for their action and it will be a lot worse then just a head injury, well either ways I have to go but I'm sure we will see each other real soon."

"Huh yeah I'm sure we will." As I started walking back I turned around to look at the footprints left behind by Ryuuen but they didn't match the person who hurt Kushida.

Now I had to figure out a way to survive the next six days without the proper necessities that were provided to us. I should start by buying a tent and a water bottle from the points that were given to me and Kushida. That much should be sufficient to last me through these days as I can provide food for myself.

It was turning dark so I held back on going to the starting line again. I found shade under a large tree and decided to turn in for the night.

I awoke the next morning earlier than most. I then scouted the area for fruits that might be attached to the trees around me. I found a limited supply of them but it was sufficient enough for now. I then started to make my way back to the starting line to purchase the things I needed. As I came back to the starting line I ran into Ichinose from Class B who was also there by herself.

"Oh morning Ayanokoji what are you doing up so early?"

"I could ask you the same thing Ichinose, but I'm just here to purchase a few necessary items I need."

"Same here because the water bottles that we were provided at the start began to have holes in them because I didn't really take care of them properly so now I'm here to purchase new ones."

After our little conversation we both went our separate ways.

Time skip to the final day:

Yamauchi's Pov:

I was running so fast in the jungle as I didn't care to even look at where I was stepping. I had to run because that crazy bastard gave me a task that would end up getting me killed by his hands. If I get caught here he will surely kill me, him and his squad of lackeys they are all after me. I turned around to see if they are still following me and sure enough there was Ryuuen and his whole squad running after me.

I just need to go to our designated meeting spot and then he will be there to protect me, just a little further. As I'm running I remember our conversation from three days ago:

"Yamauchi, I need you to steal the cards from a few Class C students on the final day of the exam and get them to notice you stealing those cards."

"Are you crazy?! You think I want to get killed by Ryuuen's hand? And whose's cards do you even want me to steal?"

"Don't worry about Ryuuen all you need to do is steal those cards and bring them to this very spot where we are right now and then I will take care of everything. As for whose cards I want to you steal well they are Ibuki, Albert and Isshizaki's cards."

Why did I even agree to this stupid task? But I know I couldn't say no to him not to a monster like him. There it was, I could see the meeting place but where is he? I thought he would be waiting for me at that place. Did he purposefully set me up?

As I arrived at the place I stopped running and looking at me stop running Ryuuen and the others also stopped and started walking towards.

"Damn you give me my card back you damn worm." Ibuki was really mad at me, she looks really intimidating when she's like that.

"Why did you steal our cards Yamauchi"

"Now Yamauchi I think it's time you answer Ishizaki's question."

" I could ask you the same thing Ryuuen, why did you and your group of lackeys attack, harm and steal Kikyo Kushida's card?" There he was finally, I thought he abandoned me to die by Ryuuen's hand but he was hiding behind a tree waiting for Ryuuen and the others to come here.

"Well well if it isn't Ayanokoji, I assume this is what you meant when you said we'll see each other soon?"

"Answer the question Ryuuen."

"Well Ibuki why don't you answer him given that you are the one who attacked Kushida."

"Damn you Ryuuen I only did that because you forced me to!"

"If you don't answer my question Ryuuen I'll just force it out of you then."

"HA you think you can beat me in a fight, you probably can't even beat Ibuki here."

There back and forth was really starting to scare me so I handed Ayanokoji all of their cards and ran off to safety because whatever was about to go down here I wanted no part of it.

Ayanokoji's Pov:

"Last chance Ryuuen, tell me why you hurt her. You may think your strength alone will get you to win this fight but there are others things in a fight besides raw strength."

"Strength is the only thing that matters in a fight between two people."

Part 9 ends here

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