
404 16 0

August 18th, 2010

I scan my oyster card and proceed through the gate, slipping it back to Zayn who left his at the house. Once he scans it, I slide it in the back pocket of my trousers and shove my hands inside my jumper. Following Liam, Niall and Louis, we wait for the next train. A security guard stands by us - newly employed since we haven't seen her before. She seems nice though, despite the frown upon her face.

The six of us, including Miss Security Person, are going to meet our mentor at Fountain Studios. The judges decided that each artist or group would have a chance to trial the studio for the live shows we would start in October. Simon volunteered for us to go first, which is exciting but nerve racking at the same time. In a little less than a month, the entire United Kingdom will hold our fate in their hands. Whether One Direction is successful or not will be entirely up to them.

The tube is cold with the dripping water from last night's showers and the constant breeze flying through the tunnel. I scoot closer to Niall and Louis. Ten past five and I'm already eager to snuggle up in bed, although not at Hyver Hill. Homesickness hasn't ever affected me since I was in primary school on a camp. In secondary school Will and I would have sleepovers all the time, especially in the first week that we met. I never experienced nostalgia then, but staying at Will's with Lauren, Nick and Hadyn was so much fun that I didn't spare a thought for home. Now, I'm not so sure that homesickness doesn't impact me. I just really want to see mum and Robin and Gemma and my cousins, Matt, Ben and Ella. At the same time, I don't want to go back to Holmes Chapel. I'm not certain I can handle it.

"Train's here," Liam whispers, snapping me back into the real world. 

It flies past us, slowly transitioning to a halt. The train's horrendously crowded, but that's to be expected from this point in the city. We filter on as business men and women scuttle past, desperate to get back to their homes. A boy accidentally bumps me and for a second I glimpse the familiar dark fringe and pale eyes. I swear its Will but as I twist to look for him, Lou tugs me onto the train.

"Thought you were going to miss it," Louis chuckles, sitting down with the other lads. It was probably just my imagination or someone who looked vaguely like Will. Nothing to worry about. 

I rest my head against the window, startled when I notice a shadow that looks exactly like- 

Squinting my eyes closed, I try to catch some rest before practicing. 

We approach a desolate field and Will spots something on the horizon. He yells to follow so Lauren and I scramble after him, eager and curious. Will immediately approaches the object which at first is so concealed in mud and rust, it is hard to determine what it actually is. Will taps the side of it and finds a handle, twisting to wink before yanking the door open. Without hesitation Will climbs into the vehicle.



Will ducks his head around and points to the ignition. "The key's still in."

I grin mischievously at him - our eyes connect and we share a knowing glance. Running around to the left, I hop in the passenger seat. Lauren debates over getting in or not, aware that being only fifteen, we shouldn't be driving the dilapidated vehicle. 

"Hazza! Haz! Harry!" Someone shakes me and I groan, swatting them off. "Wake up Harry, we're at Wembley Park station now." Blinking, Liam's face comes into focus. Our security guard peers over Liam's shoulder, but at a distance as to not pry. She checks a gold wristwatch before the train doors open and I sluggishly stumble off the carriage. We hurry to ascend the stairs into North-West London before the crowd swallows us. It's crazy how different everything in the city is to home. Everything was so slow and peaceful there, here it's just... hectic. 

White Eskimo ~ Harry StylesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora