
586 23 14

August 3rd, 2010

Mmm. Cupcakes. Sweet, vanilla cupcakes with lemon icing. Freshly baked cupcakes, just taken out of the oven so that heat radiates off them, warming my fingertips as I reach towards the delicious treat.

I lick my lips and feel a rougher surface than I expected. My brows furrow and I pry open my eyes, just to be met by darkness. Lifting my head up, I realise that I was drooling on my pillow. It was just a dream. No cupcakes. I frown at my pillow, full of disappointment.

"What are you doing?"

"Ack!" I yell, jumping in my bed. "Louis! You startled me!" Breathe in, breathe out. That's right. Just breathe in and breathe out - at least, I think that's how you stop a heart attack.

"Well you shouldn't be sleeping this late. Really Harry, I'm ashamed of you. It's not good to be in bed at ten o'clock. Disappointment."

I smirk and peg my pillow at Louis. "Shut up," I chuckle.

"Ew, ew, ew! That's disgusting! You put saliva on that pillow!" Louis bats the pillow away from him and glares at the item on the floor as if the pillow is the cause of the problem.

"NOOO! Don't murder the pillow!" Niall screams at the doorway.

"Right..." I mutter, rolling my eyes. "And how long have you been here?"

"Its my room too."

I roll my eyes, Niall's smug smile widening. "Yes, I know that. How long have you been watching me?"

"Long enough to see that Louis was about to commit pillicide."

"What's pillicide?"

Niall shakes his head. "It's the action of killing one's pillow. I thought you would know that Harry. You've been charged for it once already."

I nod sarcastically. Right. Just because I accidentally stepped on my pillow and ripped the casing doesn't mean I killed it. Eventually I decide that the conversation has started to become a bit too insane. I slide out of bed groggily and start pulling on some new clothes. I'm surprised that Louis and Niall didn't wake me up earlier considering I should have been up at eight, nine at the latest. I don't mind though. I appreciate the extra sleep, particularly since I haven't been getting much of it. Every time I go to bed it takes me two hours to actually sleep.

I guess it's because I'm thinking a lot lately. A lot about her.

I bite my lip and continue to shimmy into my jeans. I won’t think of her, I won’t. Somehow I think that won’t work. I shake a hand through my hair and return to Louis and Niall who are in a deep conversation about Niall's new favourite term. Anyone would think they were the youngest in the competition, but no, they're just incredibly hyper. 

"I'm going to grab some breakfast. You guys want anything?"

Louis shakes his head, "Nah we're alright we already-"

"Yes please!"

I glance at Niall superciliously. "You've already had some mate."

"But I'm hungry! And I haven't had second breakfast!"

I chuckle. Sometimes Niall reminds me of Merry and Pippin too much. I nod my head to Niall and he follows me into the kitchen. I grab a cuppa and then head to the pantry to find some cereal. My hands brush over the Sultana Bran and almost grab it. I pull back and freeze, remembering the day when Lauren ate this cereal. I continue to rummage through the cupboard and pull out some flakes instead. Bringing it over to the table, I rest it on the surface and start pouring some milk in. Niall throws me a spoon and I just catch it, reaching my hand out before it whacks me in the face. We discuss what we're meant to be doing whilst we eat. Niall tells me that Liam and Zayn are already with Simon discussing our 'plan of action', yawning whilst he does so. Niall and I dump our empty bowls in the sink, deciding to clean them later or let someone else clean them. Quickly, we rush outside and ask one of the drivers if he can take us to Simon. He nods tersely and we hop in.

White Eskimo ~ Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now