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The RV cruised along, the counties silently doing their own thing, bored of each other already.

"It's getting laaaaaate.... When are we getting to San Francisco's house???" Orange exclaimed.

"She lives like, 5 hours away from us, chill," Riverside said. Orange groaned in annoyance.

"Ohhh my gaaaaaaaaawwwwwwd," Orange muttered.

"Well, what do you want me to do about it?" Riverside asked.

"Nothing, unless you wanna keep me entertained," Orange said flirtatiously. Riverside scoffed.

"You're such a sleazbag," Riverside said. Orange shrugged.

"Fine, whatever! Your loss," Orange said, flicking her hair back sassily. Suddenly, the RV stopped. They looked out the window to see they were in some random forest.

"Hm... so there's greenery here that doesn't look like it doesn't belong... so we're definitely in Northern California," Orange observed.

"But why are we stopped?" LA asked.

"It looks late... maybe Imperial wants to call it a night?" San Diego said. Just then, Imperial joined them.

"Ok... so, we're kinda lost... in a forest.... Without any wifi," Imperial said.

"Well... that's sh*t luck," LA said.

"Yep... but hey, we're in an RV, so we're fine. Let's just call it a night and figure out where we are in the morning, eh?" San Diego said.

"Thats fine with me," Imperial said, settling down in a comfy chair.

"So there's four beds; three of them are single beds and ones a double, so two people will have to share," San Diego said. Orange opened her mouth to speak, but Riverside threw a pillow at her.

"I DONT LIKE YOU LIKE THAT PENDEJA!" Riverside exclaimed. Imperial and Orange laughed, while LA and SD rolled their eyes at their younger siblings.

"Well, I'm taking the single bed, I hate sharing beds," Imperial said.

"I'm taking the other single bed!" Riverside exclaimed.

"Me and Angie can take the double," Orange said.

"Ugh, you kick too much," LA scoffed, knowing she wasn't going to be able to sleep with her sister thrashing around.

"What? My dreams are vivid! It's not my fault!" Orange exclaimed.

"How about you and San Diego share a bed, Ange?" Riverside suggested. Imperial snickered. LA and San Diego put on their best poker faces.

"Whatever, that's fine with me," LA said, nailing her RBF.

"I'm ok with that," San Diego said, looking coy. The three younger siblings glanced at each other knowingly.

"Cool, as long as that doesn't make you two uncomfortable," Orange said, in on the subliminal teasing younger siblings are masters of.

"Of course not," LA said, before panicking, hoping that didn't make her sound like she was super excited. "It's better than having to sleep next to you, thrashy," LA teased. Orange feigned offense.

"Fine, whatever! I see how it is!" Orange exclaimed, before winking at her sister. LA rolled her eyes, pretending like she had no clue what Orange was on about.

Later that night, the counties were all comfy and snuggled up in the RV, watching horror movies.

"I feel like this is not smart to be doing... y'know, since we're out in who-knows-where, in a forest, far away from any law enforcement...," Imperial said.

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