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The RV cruised along a long desert highway, the counties within it chatting about life. Honestly, Orange was doing most of the talking, while SD humored her. LA was just listening, and Riverside wasn't paying attention at all.

"Once we get to San Francisco's house we have GOT to go to this TOTALLY ADORABLE restaurant by her house!! They serve, like, THE BEST dumplings!" Orange gushed enthusiastically.

"That sounds great," San Diego agreed politely. Suddenly, the RV pulled over.

"Ohhhh pee break?" Orange guessed. The pairs of siblings got out, seeing Imperial pumping gas into the RV's tank.

"We're gonna run into the gas station mart, ok?" San Diego said. Imperial nodded.

"Grab me some chips while you're at it, the spicy hot ones," Imperial said. "And a water... no, a Coke... no, a water... eh, both,". San Diego laughed and nodded, and the group headed into the gas station.

"I'm gonna use the restroom, don't leave without me!!" Orange sing-songed.

"Trust me, I wish we could," Riverside said dryly, scrolling through his phone. San Diego smacked his brother on the back of the head, reminding him to be a kind boy. It was then that San Diego realized they were short one person.

"Riverside, do you know where Angie went?" San Diego asked. Riverside shrugged.

"I think I saw her walk behind the store," Riverside said casually. SD nodded, quickly grabbing Imperials stuff and handing it to Riverside, along with some cash.

"Buy these for me please, I'll be right back," SD said. San Diego walked outside to look for LA, and found her behind the building smoking a cigarette. He calmly stood next to her, neither of them speaking for a moment.

"... at least I'm not in the RV," LA said. San Diego sighed.

"LA, I wish you'd stop in general," San Diego said. LA looked away from him, not wanting to see the disappointment on his face.

"I know... I wanna stop too....," LA said.

"I know it's hard to stop...," San Diego said, before taking a deep breath. "How much did the pack cost?" San Diego asked, knowing LA just bought it at the store.

"Six bucks," LA said. San Diego got out his wallet and took out one five dollar bill and a one dollar bill. He then grabbed the cigarette pack from LA's pocket.

"I'm dumping all but one in the trash," San Diego warned. LA still looked away from him. San Diego emptied the pack, only saving one as promised. He then put a note on the box.

"Are you done yet?" LA spat, still looking away with her arms crossed.

"Yeah... here," San Diego said, handing her the cigarette box and walking away quickly. LA stayed still until she was sure he was gone, and then looked down at the box.

Remember that you are loved

LA took a sharp breath, blinking back tears as she shoved the box in her pocket. She joined the others at the RV and climbed in without talking to anyone. San Diego was worried he upset her.

"Angie... hey, do you need to talk...?" San Diego asked gently. LA held her breath for a moment to suppress her tears.

"No, I'm fine," LA breathed. SD frowned.

"Ok... just let me know if you need to talk...," San Diego said. LA just stood still, not saying anything. SD, defeated, sat back down next to his brother.

"Hey SD, can you help me? I'm trying to explain to Orange how water bottle manufacturers don't create new water out of thin air just for their bottles," Riverside said. San Diego laughed.


(Btw, to spice things up a bit, y'all can suggest situations these kiddos can get stuck in (for example, they find an old haunted house, or somehow gut stuck in quicksand or something). This book is mostly for fun, so that's what I'm gonna have with it)

SoCal ShenanigansDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora