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    AN HOUR.

Maya struggled through an agonizingly long hour, her body wracked with pain before she mustered enough strength to rise to her feet. Each small movement was accompanied by muttered curses, and tears welled up in her multicolored eyes, leaving a reddish rim. She felt embarrassed by her prolonged bout of tears. Leaning on the bed for support, she gradually stood up, her eyes stinging with immense agony.

With faltering steps, she made her way toward the wall, using it as a crutch to reach the closet where Xavier had confined Rhys. In her previous state, she could have relied on the Force to open the door effortlessly from her position on the floor. However, a Force-blocking bracelet tightly clasped around her wrist prevented her from using her powers. It seemed unbreakable, frustrating her further.

After what felt like an eternity, Maya finally arrived at the closet door. As she opened it, her balance betrayed her, and her knees gave way under the overwhelming pain and exhaustion that plagued her body. Despite being chained, Rhys managed to catch her gently, preventing her from crashing down onto him. Expecting the jarring impact of her ribs against his body, she let out a small yelp, but it never came. Instead, Rhys held her steady before she could fully collapse.

"Hi," Maya managed a breathy laugh, which quickly subsided as her broken rib sent waves of pain through her. Weakly, she moved her trembling arms to free Rhys from his restraints. His heart ached at the sight of her suffering—he swore to himself that he would make Xavier pay, even if it meant his own demise. Once one arm was freed, he instinctively reached out to gently support her waist, just beneath her ribs. His thumb tenderly caressed her soft and bruised skin as she uncuffed his other hand, which promptly moved to remove his gag.

"Firefly," his voice was a soft whisper, his hands cupping her cheeks while her hands trembled against his chest. She had endured the brunt of the beatings, her eyes shimmering with both pain and relief—a captivating juxtaposition of physical and emotional distress. His own face bore signs of the struggle, but he still appeared strikingly handsome.

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