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    HER HEAD TIPS BACKWARDS, the base of her neck crashing against the unyielding steel wall behind her. Her hands and legs are tightly bound to a cold steel chair, held captive by oppressive Force-blocking cuffs. A relentless ache permeates her body, the persistent pain gradually seeping into her bones, while her vision blurs, the aftermath of the merciless blows she had endured. Exhaustion gnaws at her, her energy drained by the restrictive grip of the Force cuffs on her wrists, sapping her strength beyond what she's accustomed to. A fractured groan escapes her lips as she squeezes her eyes shut, trying to find relief in the darkness. Meanwhile, Rhys sits in the corner, gagged and immobilized. Thick chains constrict his wrists, ankles, and even his neck, a testament to the captors' fear of his unrestrained fury during Maya's unconsciousness. In the air hangs the palpable weight of their shared predicament, as Rhys's concerned gaze lingers upon her.

"Don't give me that look," Maya murmurs, her voice raspy and cracking under the weight of concealed pain. She turns her head, her drooping eyes meeting Rhys's gaze with a faint narrowing. Despite their dire circumstances, a hint of mischief dances across her split lip, curling it into a sly smirk. Her eyes shimmer with a teasing glint, defying their predicament. Her voice drips with faux sweetness as she playfully taunts, "You look so pretty gagged and tied up. Not a scratch on your gorgeous body, hm? The fuckers must have a soft spot for you, can't blame them—I mean look at you. So helpless."

A few muffled curses escape his lips as he wrestles against the confining restraints, his concern morphing into palpable frustration. At that moment, a surge of joy bubbles up within Maya's chest, causing her lips to curl into a wide, wolfish grin. She glances back at the ceiling, shutting her eyes, but the smile lingers lazily upon her lips. A fleeting sense of relief washes over her, sending her mind spiraling into a state of delirium. The pain throbbing through her body becomes overwhelming, pushing her to the edges of her sanity. In the midst of this delirium, her mind conjures a temporary refuge, shielding her from the excruciating reality that she endures.

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