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    THE STEAM OF HER HOT SHOWER FILTERED INTO THE ROOM, Maya wraps a fluffy white towel loosely around her as she makes slow steps to the closet. Her body had yet to heal, and the pain was still agonizing, but she hated not moving. She was normally always on her feet, training or exercising twice a day. There was a visible limp as she walked, her path to the closet soon blocked by the concerned Rhys who had kept an extremely close eye on her since she had woken up.

"I'll get you some clothes, take a seat for now," his voice held a dark timbre, holding authority. It was a demand, an order, and as much as she wanted to protest, she was in too much pain to argue, too much pain to fight him off when he lifted her up, too much pain to not melt into his arms. He recognized the mental toll the injuries she wore cast on her, and Maker, did it make him angry that he couldn't do anything about it.

He was gentle when he sat her down on the edge of the bed, his fingers hesitantly swiping a stray hair of her bun behind her ear. She swallowed thickly, eyes falling to the wall behind him at the intimate action. She wasn't sure what to think of the suddenly romantic touches he'd been giving her. She didn't know if she was truly ready to open up that part of her again, but she knew that if Rhys wanted her that way, he'd forcibly take it.

He leaves for a second, returning with some clothes in his hands. He places it on the bed next to her, eyes scanning over her face, scrutinizing every inch of her. She felt completely vulnerable at the moment and for once, didn't care if he saw her this way. He looks away, clearing his throat before grabbing the oversized hoodie he found. His voice was husky and velvety as he spoke, "I figured you wouldn't want to wear anything tight against your torso so I didn't grab a bra."

Maya merely nods, watching as he unwraps the towel from her body. He sucks in a breath at the sight in a mixture of awe and concern. Despite her body being battered and bruised, she still looked amazing and he wanted nothing more than to claim her again, but he would wait—until she was healed at least. He slips on the oversized hoodie, then her underwear, and then some sweatpants.

𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐈𝐂𝐄 [on pause]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin