Chapter four

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My eyes stayed on the young man as he presented what he said will be a great idea for the company.

It makes sense but I am tired, I spent all night making sure my babies rooms are perfect.

"Ms Kameni..."

I hummed picking up my belongings"please do not mind me, Kerry send the details through mail let me go through it"

With that I was back in my office going through some files.

I heard a knock "come in"

Laura my CFO walked in with a frown on her face.

"Good morning Kameni"

I smiled softly"Laura please bring me good news"

The darker skinned woman scoffed sitting down" I got a call from Mrs Worthington, you have been avoiding her, then another call came in from Olivia about a sheikh... Kameni..."

I groaned" Worthington is always trying to get me marry her son Lau I'm not in need of some family diamonds"

She nodded" and your husband?"

I sighed tiredly" his mind is made up, that's the reason I'm trying to clear my table"

Laura is the only friend of mine who happens to know my family, she is a crazy Nigerian woman.

"Worthington is going through a divorce, she is convinced you'll make the perfect backup plan while I think you should go on a long honeymoon with your boo"

I chuckled" it will be more of a vacation and my mother wants the boys back for their naming ceremony"

She looked at me, then just the reaction I was expecting she started laughing" geez...your m..your mother..."

I rolled my eyes" tell me about it, I don't even know how Ahmed will react to the naming ceremony thing"

" Oh you know he'll agree, stop overthinking"

I sighed" Lau, I don tire"

" Then stop hiding..."I raised my brows at her

" Kameni I see how light you get whenever your husband or children are around"

" Lau, I worked too hard for everything, and yes I had my husband pull some strings, but I worked extremely hard for everything"

She sighed, "you'll become our next interracial couple icon"

I scoffed"eh I don't want that, I just want to be all over and under my husband"

She laughed"I like the under part"

"You know even know, konji(horniness) na bastard"

"You no even know, last time na so I run go Naija because I need for cool down"

I shook my head because, if this woman decides to go meet her husband, there's nothing anyone can say or do to make her stay.

"And you know if we go pu...what I'm I even saying, his people will stone me..." His people are very strict when it comes to tradition and religion. I just shuddered thinking about it.

And the look on my friend's face just confirmed it"Haram..."

"God I'm tired, Laura I love my husband but I'm so exhausted..." I could feel the tears threatening, the more I thought about it, the scarier it becomes.

"Hey look at me...Kam look up..." I sighed trying hard to keep myself from having a panic attack.

"No need to panic, this is your life baby okay?" I sighed exhaling before nodding.

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