Chapter two

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She had a frown on her face as she still studied the results from the lap, trying to translate the text. Her assistants stood by the side making sure not to touch anything.

"I'll need this reprocessed before sending it to Laura for the auction, tell her to study those results and make sure they at least match the text. I also need the results from your documentary Lucas, then tell Xavier to engrave it name on that spot I prepared"

With that they left, she too off her Lab coat washed her hands before leaving.

She entered her office to see her office assistant already waiting for her.

" Hello Olivia..."

She smiled" good afternoon Rence... Your meeting with Sir Alex is still on, he wants the auction to be held in a charity event, hoping it might raise a little more money for his organization..."

" How much is he paying?"

" He thought 25"

She frowned"the accounting department should do the calculation and let me know, Laura already got a spot, if it's worth it I might rethink it"

"Ok Ms, um..."

"Olivia speak up"

She sighed"the Sheikh of..."

That got Kameni's attention" ...of Qatar has a business suggestion, he wanted an appointment before the day ends"

This is strange, she thought, they don't meet like this, it always a small vacation and it always January and May but now they're still in july

" I'll receive him on... we're Tuesday, Thursday will do, make sure we get a free schedule for him okay"

Olivia nodded.

"Go through the finances with the Angela before sending them to the account department, then tell Louis to go through them before dropping them here"

"Ok ma'am"

She "that will be all"

Kameni, has not taken a minute of rest. Sometimes she has work piled up as if she's not been working.

She picked up her phone, going through her pictures while trying her best not to fall asleep.

Her sons are the cutest little boys, giving birth to them and letting them stay with their father was extra difficult.

"No..." He sighed trying to take her hands but she just stepped back stroking her stomach.

"Listen حبيبي, I understand it absurd but you are already going through this alone, I don't want you to go through more than this alone too"

" I don't mind, you and I know money will never be a problem, and I babysat many children throughout my life, I know I can be a good mother, I don't want that to be taken away from me"

He sighed watching her stroke her stomach, the stress of the pregnancy could be clearly seen, and he still feels bad that he can't do anything, because of what she thinks people will say.

He took her legs and gently began robbing them, smiling at her sighs and soft moans," I never doubt you, never, and I know you will be an amazing mother, that is the reason you will be the only mother to any of my children..."

He pecked her ankle in adoration" my only wife, but I cannot allow you raise our children away from our home, I already did a lot allowing you live separately but you need to understand you are carrying my heir"

She pouted her eyes glistening with tears, he sighed" don't cry حبيبي ملكتي, ملكة بلدي " ( my queen, my queen, my love)

"I don't want to give my babies away, Ahmad, you can't ask me to do that"

" You and I know I am trying to make it less stressful for us, we are already sneaking around I don't want to let my children grow in a foreign land, you will always get to see them, they'll spend holidays with you I promise, the media will just think we coincidentally have children who have striking resemblance, this pregnancy is already stressing you so much, let me do this for us"

And it worked, although I get them for just five days for a month, we still try to make the most of it.

She was snapped out of her day dream by her phone, I sighed, my eyes are bad. I picked the phone blinking to clear my eyes I heard a voice"mama..."

She grinned"oh my heart beats"

He looks so cute in his thwab, "where's your brother? " The five years old grinned showing off his fallen teeth, "he with papa, papa mama eyes blind" this child"Aman...I'm not blind baby"

He scrunched his face looking exactly like his father" how are you my love?"

He giggled, Aman is the playful amongst his brother and father "me miss you mama, please come here with baba"

"I miss you too my father, you're getting better in English" he blushed"baba said must learn English for mama" she still don't understand why they're stuck with Arabic on their tongues

"Look at you trying for mama..." He grinned"you coming?" She sighed " you know I c..."

" We're going to meet her this time" Ahmed grinned at me, "we coming to you, hi mama"

" Hi my love, you look all grown"

" I know, papa said we eating his food "

" And you do let me talk with your mother"

" Later loves"

Aman had a pout on his face as his brother tugged him away, Aman is the perfect definition of a momma's boy, Ahmed could be from time to time, but his brother always wants to be around his mother.


He hummed taking off his clothes"pack your bags you need at least a month off, your eyes are red"

She almost rolled her eyes"Ahmad you booked an appointment with me, and it not even that time,"

"Kameni you really think I am fine sneaking around with my wife, I don't think you understand how much not been there is taking a toll on me..."


He shook his head, she wasn't with him, her eyes were watching him lustfully, he chuckled, but pulled on a clean Thwab"you see what been away from each other does,? we're having a family vacation, just you and I with the boys"

"Ahmad I miss you" he chuckled"I can see that ملكتي "

" But.. "

" It not up for discussion, I miss my wife "

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