Part 12

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I woke up with a banging headache, Luke was snoring so loud , I got out of bed and walked out to the kitchen.

Finding Gary sitting by the pool, "Morning" , I say sitting next to him " morning " he looks at me " you haven't mastered your healing power?" He asks.

" just a little why?" , " you can cure your hangover, try it" he said.

I did as Nat thought me and I felt better immediately " thanks , can I ask you something " he nodded.

" when will Nat start feeling her Mate" he looked at me " you'll feel him more than her , she locked her scent so even if he can try to find her he won't but you will as soon as you master your protective and healing power" , I nod.

" do you think it will happen soon?" , " hey don't doubt yourself you have 2 weeks before your birthday,  if you ace it by then you can find your mate and mark her after that most of your powers will be waken up after that it gets easier" I nod " so when I find her mate can I tell her or him?" He shakes his head.

" you tell one and the other will die , the only thing you can try to do is try to steer them into each other without being obvious but unless her mate is an Alpha King ofcourse,  if he is then he'll feel it before her and he'll know what to do , but the more time they spend together,  the stronger she will get even without being marked" he explained.

" what about my Mate?" , " well even if I tell you who she is nothing will happen to her it's just that right now you need to focus , Nat will need you , The Goddess even if she doesn't find her mate she won't let her live long" I nodded taking in all this new information.

Luke walked out " morning what's for breakfast?" We both got up walking into Nats room.

She was sleeping so peacefully cuddled up on Xavier I rolled my eyes as Luke took pictures " go away " she said covering herself and Xavier pulling her closer to him.

I walked out Xavier's scent always made me feel like pucking , I remember on my 16th birthday when his scent first hit me it was so addictive and annoying,  I followed it and it leaded me to him , ever since then I avoided him , but here he was his scent all over this apartment.

I rolled my eyes and walked into Gary's room waking Lina up , I tickled her and she woke up giggling.

" I am up , I am up" she said , I got out and left her as she walked into the bathroom.

Nat and Xavier walked out of the room with Xavier clinging on Nat " oh c'mon my eyes" I said and he let her go " fine".

" Pizza?" Nat asked and we all agreed , we spent the day cleaning , eating , watching movies , Luke and Xavier went home and Nat drove us home too.

As soon as I got home,  I just got in my room and slept.

I was woken up by my brother getting into my bed , I checked the time and it was 11pm , I pulled him closer and he snuggled into me.

We were woken up by my mom " Nick baby time for school " she said and he snuggled into me , I tickled him making him giggle , he jumped out of bed.

" morning mom , if Nick doesn't take long ill drop him off" , "yes!" He shouted running out to his room.

"We've missed you" , " me too" , "will you be at dinner" , " yes I promise" she smiled and walked out.

I got in the shower , once done I got dressed and walked downstairs " can I catch a lift with you too?" Nancy asked and I nodded.

We ate my father kept stealing glances at me but I didn't pay much attention to it.

2 weeks later
Tomorrow is Nats birthday,  she's been training Nate alot lately and we don't see each other more often.

I randomly just pop out and give her a lollipop or dessert, but we've both been busy with the basketball tournament and assignments.

For the first time Nat attended the Mating class " now students the last assignment for this class this term has been chosen , since it will the the Alpha and Luna's mating anniversary , you will need to choose two students,  1 male , 1 female to sing on the day , please choose wisely this is really important and will cost you your life if you do it without heart" he took a box out.

"Put in the names of those who you'll like to represent us here" don't forget our test on Wednesday yes" with that said he walked out.

Luke stood up and sat next to Nat " long time no see" , " what do you want Lucky" , " yaaa be nice I want to ask you something" she rolled her eyes.

" can I do it next week?" ,he scrunched his eyebrows " I am busy right now I'll do it next week" he just nodded.

And she got up I held her hand " where are going?" , " play ball" I let go of her hand and followed behind her.

" why is your body shaking?" I asked worried " it's nothing go back to class" I just followed her " you promised me a one on one when you need to let out some steam" she took a deep sigh , "fine" she said walking into the court.

We ended up playing she shot more than I did , honestly my mind wasn't in the game , I missed being this close to her , feeling her body on mine , the small touches , her sweat , her eyes , the way she bites her lips, it was like we were making love playing basketball.

" what are you doing?" Nathan walked in angry " we were playing ball" I answered.

He pushed me away from her " are you kidding don't you know you can't be next to her today of all days , I can smell your pheromones on her you just imprinted on her" Nat just took her bag and walked out I followed behind her and we were now in the hallway.

Nathan held my hand and pushed me back " I said back off" he held me by my collar and smashed me on one of the lockers making everyone to come out and look.

Nat walked between everyone stood infront of us her voice low and soft " stop let him go" Nathan tightened his grip on my neck , Nat put a hand on him and he flew across the hallway.

She pulled out a lollipop from her pocket and gave it to me I opened it and put in my mouth I knew she was angry.

She walked to her brother and put a hand out for him , he took it and they walked towards me , she took the lollipop and walked out of school.

Gary stared at me before walking pass me , what have I done wrong now.

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